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function hostmaster_task_intro in Hostmaster (Aegir) 5.x


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function hostmaster_task_intro($current) {
  drupal_set_title(t("Welcome to the Aegir hosting system."));
  $form['introduction']['#value'] = t("<p>I am a configuration wizard designed to help you through configuring the Aegir provisioning system.</p>\n    <p>Once properly configured, this system will help you manage your Drupal sites. \n    It will even be able to manage them across multiple versions of Drupal and across multiple servers.</p>\n    <p>Before we get started with the configuration, please make sure that your system meets the following requirements:</p>");
  $form['drupal'] = hostmaster_requirement_help('basic_drupal');
  $form['unix'] = hostmaster_requirement_help('basic_unix');
  $form['server'] = hostmaster_requirement_help('basic_server');
  return hostmaster_form($form, $current);