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Files in Hostmaster (Aegir) 5.x

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apache2.conf.txt apache2.conf.txt # Default Aegir apache configuration file # Edit to your taste. Must be installed in # /var/aegir/config/vhost.d/ # Note that this file may eventually be automatically be managed by # aegir. NameVirtualHost *:80 # This only covers…
hostmaster.profile hostmaster.profile #!/usr/bin/env sh AEGIR_VERSION=0.2 DRUPAL_VERSION=5.18 DRUSH_TAG=DRUPAL-6--2-0 PROVISION_TAG=DRUPAL-6--0-2 HOSTING_TAG=DRUPAL-5--0-2 AMENU_TAG=DRUPAL-5--2-8 NO_COLOR='\e[0m' UL='\E[0;4m' BOLD='\E[0;1m' aegir_title ()…
INSTALL.txt INSTALL.txt -*-rst-*- This document describes briefly how to install a multi-platform, single-server Aegir Drupal provisionning system. This document is formatted using the ReST syntax. Aegir 0.2 requirements ====================== This section describes…
README.txt README.txt The Aegir system ================ This install profile is part of the front end of a system that also consists of the hosting framework (front end) and the provisioning framework (backend). The front end and back end are designed to be run…
reset.txt reset.txt #! /bin/sh read -p "This will kill your hostmaster install, continue? [y/N]" prompt if [ "$prompt" != "y" ]; then echo "Good! wise decision, aborting" exit 1 else read -p "No really, are you *sure*…
UPGRADE.txt UPGRADE.txt -*-rst-*- This document is formatted using the ReST syntax. Aegir 0.2 upgrade instructions ============================== This document describes briefly how to upgrade existing Aegir platforms. Upgrading the Drupal core…

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