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INSTALL.txt in Hostmaster (Aegir) 5.x


This document describes briefly how to install a multi-platform,
single-server Aegir Drupal provisionning system. 

This document is formatted using the ReST syntax.

Aegir 0.2 requirements

This section describes what is expected of the servers Aegir is
running on.

Web server

You will need at least one dedicated web server, running Apache. We
generally work with Apache 2 but we should be compatible with the 1.x
series. You will need root access to that server and the server must
be reserved for Aegir. Sharing the server with other control panels
such as Cpanel, Plesk or AlternC will very likely create problems and
is not supported.

That webserver should probably run some UNIX flavour because the
majority of functionality in this system occurs in the back-end,
through command line scripting. There are also several features (such
as symlinks), that are not available to users on Windows. There are no
plans currently to add windows support.

Shell commands::
 apt-get install apache2

PHP 5.2

Since Aegir strongly depends on Drush, we therefore depend on PHP 5.2
or above. You also need to have the commandline version of PHP to run
Drush properly and the MySQL extensions.

Shell commands::
 apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql

MySQL server

You will require a MySQL server, obviously. It is preferable to use a
dedicated server since Aegir will create MySQL users, since it will
require a "root" MySQL user.

Mail transfer agent

Aegir requires an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) installed on your
webserver in order to be able to install a new site to your new
platform. If you don't have an MTA you the site installation will fail
with message like "could not send email." Additional messages will
show that site has been removed because of this problem. To remedy the
situation simply install an MTA like sendmail, postfix, or exim and do
the minimal configuration.  On Debian-based systems do:

Shell commands::
 sudo apt-get install postfix
Once that is done you should be able to install a site to the new platform. 

Aegir 0.2 installation instructions

This section deals with the installation of Aegir proper. Those
instructions limit themselves to getting you into the Aegir wizard,
which will then give you further configuration instructions.

This document assumes the Aegir home is in /var/aegir, adapt as desired,
but make sure that the user you create (as suggested in the install
wizard) has this directory configured as its home directory.

Checking out the code

This assumes you have installed CVS. Those commands should be ran as the
aegir user and assume it can write to /var/aegir.

Shell commands::
 cd /var/aegir
 cvs co -d drupal-5.x -r DRUPAL-5-18 drupal
 cd drupal-5.x
 cvs co -d profiles/hostmaster -rDRUPAL-5--0-2 contributions/profiles/hostmaster
 cvs co -d profiles/hostmaster/modules/hosting -rDRUPAL-5--0-2 contributions/modules/hosting
 cd /var/aegir
 cvs co -d drush -rDRUPAL-6--2-0 contributions/modules/drush
 mkdir .drush
 cvs co -d .drush/provision -rDRUPAL-6--0-2 contributions/modules/provision

Checking out the optional components

Aegir now has its own theme which you can use. It is also suggested
that you install admin_menu to ease administration.

Note that now your drush installation should be up and running so you
can start using it to download modules directly. This is how
admin_menu is installed below. The theme is installed using CVS
because the release may not yet be available when you read this

This is optional.

Shell commands::
 cvs co -d drupal-5.x/profiles/hostmaster/themes/eldir -rDRUPAL-5--0-2 contributions/themes/eldir
 cd drupal-5.x ; /var/aegir/drush/drush.php dl admin_menu

Apache configuration

Those instructions assume you are running Debian specific and
installing aegir in If you are running
another system you basically need to:

 1. create a directory for Aegir configs
 2. activate the mod_rewrite engine
 3. include the Aegir apache configurations in Apache
 4. create a base configuration file for Aegir in /var/aegir/config/vhost.d/
 5. restart apache

So this needs to be ran as root too.

Shell commands::
 cd /var/aegir
 mkdir -p config/vhost.d/
 a2enmod rewrite
 echo "Include /var/aegir/config/vhost.d/" > /etc/apache2/conf.d/aegir
 cp drupal-5.x/profiles/hostmaster/apache2.conf.txt config/vhost.d/
 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Database configuration

Here you want to make a basic database configuration for the Drupal
you are going to install. You want to run those commands using your
database 'root' user.

SQL commands::
  'aegir'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXXXX';

Install the Drupal

Now you are ready to install the first Drupal using this installation
profile. Point your browser to , assuming
DNS is properly configured to point to your webserver, otherwise you
may want to try http://localhost/ .

The installer is going to complain about the permissions of
settings.php, just fix the permissions:

Shell commands::
 chmod a+w /var/aegir/drupal-5.x/sites/default/settings.php

Select the hostmaster install profile, enter the database credentials
you setup above and then the installer will prompt you to secure the
permissions on the settings.php file again:

Shell commands::
 chmod a-w /var/aegir/drupal-5.x/sites/default/settings.php

Follow the wizard

You should now be in the installation wizard. The wizard is usually
self-documenting so you should just be able to follow the instructions
in the wizard to configure Aegir to properly use the webserver and
database server.

Installing new platforms

To deploy new platforms to provisions site to, you simply need to
download the platform source code (which can be done with drush) and
then, on the hostmaster site, create a new Platform node which points
to where the source was downloaded.

Shell commands::
 cd /var/aegir
 ./drush/drush.php dl drupal

Use "drush dl drupal-5.x" to get the latest release of the 5.x branch.


View source
  1. -*-rst-*-
  2. This document describes briefly how to install a multi-platform,
  3. single-server Aegir Drupal provisionning system.
  4. This document is formatted using the ReST syntax.
  5. Aegir 0.2 requirements
  6. ======================
  7. This section describes what is expected of the servers Aegir is
  8. running on.
  9. Web server
  10. ----------
  11. You will need at least one dedicated web server, running Apache. We
  12. generally work with Apache 2 but we should be compatible with the 1.x
  13. series. You will need root access to that server and the server must
  14. be reserved for Aegir. Sharing the server with other control panels
  15. such as Cpanel, Plesk or AlternC will very likely create problems and
  16. is not supported.
  17. That webserver should probably run some UNIX flavour because the
  18. majority of functionality in this system occurs in the back-end,
  19. through command line scripting. There are also several features (such
  20. as symlinks), that are not available to users on Windows. There are no
  21. plans currently to add windows support.
  22. Shell commands::
  23. apt-get install apache2
  24. PHP 5.2
  25. -------
  26. Since Aegir strongly depends on Drush, we therefore depend on PHP 5.2
  27. or above. You also need to have the commandline version of PHP to run
  28. Drush properly and the MySQL extensions.
  29. Shell commands::
  30. apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql
  31. MySQL server
  32. ------------
  33. You will require a MySQL server, obviously. It is preferable to use a
  34. dedicated server since Aegir will create MySQL users, since it will
  35. require a "root" MySQL user.
  36. Mail transfer agent
  37. -------------------
  38. Aegir requires an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) installed on your
  39. webserver in order to be able to install a new site to your new
  40. platform. If you don't have an MTA you the site installation will fail
  41. with message like "could not send email." Additional messages will
  42. show that site has been removed because of this problem. To remedy the
  43. situation simply install an MTA like sendmail, postfix, or exim and do
  44. the minimal configuration. On Debian-based systems do:
  45. Shell commands::
  46. sudo apt-get install postfix
  47. Once that is done you should be able to install a site to the new platform.
  48. Aegir 0.2 installation instructions
  49. ===================================
  50. This section deals with the installation of Aegir proper. Those
  51. instructions limit themselves to getting you into the Aegir wizard,
  52. which will then give you further configuration instructions.
  53. This document assumes the Aegir home is in /var/aegir, adapt as desired,
  54. but make sure that the user you create (as suggested in the install
  55. wizard) has this directory configured as its home directory.
  56. Checking out the code
  57. ---------------------
  58. This assumes you have installed CVS. Those commands should be ran as the
  59. aegir user and assume it can write to /var/aegir.
  60. Shell commands::
  61. export
  62. cd /var/aegir
  63. cvs co -d drupal-5.x -r DRUPAL-5-18 drupal
  64. cd drupal-5.x
  65. cvs co -d profiles/hostmaster -rDRUPAL-5--0-2 contributions/profiles/hostmaster
  66. cvs co -d profiles/hostmaster/modules/hosting -rDRUPAL-5--0-2 contributions/modules/hosting
  67. cd /var/aegir
  68. cvs co -d drush -rDRUPAL-6--2-0 contributions/modules/drush
  69. mkdir .drush
  70. cvs co -d .drush/provision -rDRUPAL-6--0-2 contributions/modules/provision
  71. Checking out the optional components
  72. ------------------------------------
  73. Aegir now has its own theme which you can use. It is also suggested
  74. that you install admin_menu to ease administration.
  75. Note that now your drush installation should be up and running so you
  76. can start using it to download modules directly. This is how
  77. admin_menu is installed below. The theme is installed using CVS
  78. because the release may not yet be available when you read this
  79. document.
  80. This is optional.
  81. Shell commands::
  82. cvs co -d drupal-5.x/profiles/hostmaster/themes/eldir -rDRUPAL-5--0-2 contributions/themes/eldir
  83. cd drupal-5.x ; /var/aegir/drush/drush.php dl admin_menu
  84. Apache configuration
  85. --------------------
  86. Those instructions assume you are running Debian specific and
  87. installing aegir in If you are running
  88. another system you basically need to:
  89. 1. create a directory for Aegir configs
  90. 2. activate the mod_rewrite engine
  91. 3. include the Aegir apache configurations in Apache
  92. 4. create a base configuration file for Aegir in /var/aegir/config/vhost.d/
  93. 5. restart apache
  94. So this needs to be ran as root too.
  95. Shell commands::
  96. cd /var/aegir
  97. mkdir -p config/vhost.d/
  98. a2enmod rewrite
  99. echo "Include /var/aegir/config/vhost.d/" > /etc/apache2/conf.d/aegir
  100. cp drupal-5.x/profiles/hostmaster/apache2.conf.txt config/vhost.d/
  101. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  102. Database configuration
  103. ----------------------
  104. Here you want to make a basic database configuration for the Drupal
  105. you are going to install. You want to run those commands using your
  106. database 'root' user.
  107. SQL commands::
  108. CREATE DATABASE aegir;
  111. 'aegir'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXXXX';
  112. Install the Drupal
  113. ------------------
  114. Now you are ready to install the first Drupal using this installation
  115. profile. Point your browser to , assuming
  116. DNS is properly configured to point to your webserver, otherwise you
  117. may want to try http://localhost/ .
  118. The installer is going to complain about the permissions of
  119. settings.php, just fix the permissions:
  120. Shell commands::
  121. chmod a+w /var/aegir/drupal-5.x/sites/default/settings.php
  122. Select the hostmaster install profile, enter the database credentials
  123. you setup above and then the installer will prompt you to secure the
  124. permissions on the settings.php file again:
  125. Shell commands::
  126. chmod a-w /var/aegir/drupal-5.x/sites/default/settings.php
  127. Follow the wizard
  128. -----------------
  129. You should now be in the installation wizard. The wizard is usually
  130. self-documenting so you should just be able to follow the instructions
  131. in the wizard to configure Aegir to properly use the webserver and
  132. database server.
  133. Installing new platforms
  134. ------------------------
  135. To deploy new platforms to provisions site to, you simply need to
  136. download the platform source code (which can be done with drush) and
  137. then, on the hostmaster site, create a new Platform node which points
  138. to where the source was downloaded.
  139. Shell commands::
  140. cd /var/aegir
  141. ./drush/drush.php dl drupal
  142. Use "drush dl drupal-5.x" to get the latest release of the 5.x branch.