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function hs_taxonomy_form_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_alter in Hierarchical Select 6.3


modules/hs_taxonomy.module, line 13
Implementation of the Hierarchical Select API for the Taxonomy module.


function hs_taxonomy_form_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'hierarchical_select', 'includes/common');
  $vid = isset($form['vid']) ? $form['vid']['#value'] : NULL;
  $vocabulary = $vid ? taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid) : NULL;

  // Don't add the per-vocabulary settings for Hierarchical Select when the
  // vocabulary still needs to be created or is a freetagging vocabulary.
  if (!$vid || $vocabulary->tags) {
  if (variable_get("taxonomy_hierarchical_select_{$vid}", 0)) {
    $form['settings']['tags']['#attributes']['disabled'] = TRUE;
    $form['settings']['tags']['#description'] = t("This setting is irrelevant when you're using Hierarchical Select.\n      <br />Use Hierarchical Select's %editability-settings instead.", array(
      '%editability-settings' => t('Editability settings'),
    $form['settings']['multiple']['#attributes']['disabled'] = TRUE;
    $form['settings']['multiple']['#description'] = t("This setting is managed by the Hierarchical Select configuration, by\n      the %enable-dropbox setting.", array(
      '%enable-dropbox' => t('Enable the dropbox'),
  $split = array_search('weight', array_keys($form)) + 1;
  $first_part = array_slice($form, 0, $split);
  $second_part = array_slice($form, $split);
  $form = $first_part;
  $form['hierarchical_select_status'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => '<strong>' . t('Use the Hierarchical Select form element for this vocabulary.') . '</strong>',
    '#default_value' => variable_get("taxonomy_hierarchical_select_{$vid}", 0),
    '#description' => t('When checked, the %free_tagging and %multiple_values settings will
      be managed by the Hierarchical Select configuration.', array(
      '%free_tagging' => t('Free tagging'),
      '%multiple_values' => t('Multiple values'),

  // Add the Hierarchical Select config form.
  $module = 'hs_taxonomy';
  $params = array(
    'vid' => $vid,
    'exclude_tid' => NULL,
    'root_term' => NULL,
    'entity_count_for_node_type' => NULL,
  $config_id = "taxonomy-{$vid}";
  $defaults = array(
    // Enable the save_lineage setting by default if the multiple parents
    // vocabulary option is enabled.
    'save_lineage' => (int) ($vocabulary->hierarchy == 2),
    'editability' => array(
      'max_levels' => _hs_taxonomy_hierarchical_select_get_depth($vid),
  $strings = array(
    'hierarchy' => t('vocabulary'),
    'hierarchies' => t('vocabularies'),
    'item' => t('term'),
    'items' => t('terms'),
    'item_type' => t('term type'),
    'entity' => t('node'),
    'entities' => t('nodes'),
  $max_hierarchy_depth = _hs_taxonomy_hierarchical_select_get_depth($vid);
  $preview_is_required = $vocabulary->required;
  $form['hierarchical_select'] = hierarchical_select_common_config_form($module, $params, $config_id, $defaults, $strings, $max_hierarchy_depth, $preview_is_required);

  // The forum selection requires that only the deepest term is saved!
  // See
  if ($vid == variable_get('forum_nav_vocabulary', -1)) {
    $form['hierarchical_select']['save_lineage']['#value'] = 0;
    $form['hierarchical_select']['save_lineage']['#attributes'] = array(
      'disabled' => 'disabled',
    $form['hierarchical_select']['save_lineage']['#description'] .= '<br />' . t('This is the vocabulary that will be used for forum navigation and it
      <strong>always</strong> requires the %dont_save_lineage setting to be
      set!', array(
      '%dont_save_lineage' => t('Save only the deepest term'),

  // Add the the submit handler for the Hierarchical Select config form.
  $parents = array(
  $form['#submit'][] = 'hierarchical_select_common_config_form_submit';
  $form['#hs_common_config_form_parents'] = $parents;

  // Add a validate callback to override the freetagging and multiple select
  // settings if necessary.
  $form['#validate'][] = 'hierarchical_select_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_validate';
  $form['#submit'][] = 'hierarchical_select_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit';

  // The original #submit callback(s) has/have to be executed afterwards.
  $form['#submit'] = array_merge($form['#submit'], $second_part['#submit']);
  $form += $second_part;