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function taxonomy_vocabulary_load in Drupal 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module \taxonomy_vocabulary_load()
  2. 7 modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module \taxonomy_vocabulary_load()

Return the vocabulary object matching a vocabulary ID.


$vid: The vocabulary's ID

$reset: Whether to reset the internal taxonomy_vocabulary_load cache.

Return value

The vocabulary object with all of its metadata, if exists, FALSE otherwise. Results are statically cached.

14 calls to taxonomy_vocabulary_load()
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forum_overview in modules/forum/
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system_mail in modules/system/system.module
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... See full list


modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module, line 1044
Enables the organization of content into categories.


function taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vid, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $vocabularies = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $vocabularies = array();
  if (!isset($vocabularies[$vid])) {

    // Initialize so if this vocabulary does not exist, we have
    // that cached, and we will not try to load this later.
    $vocabularies[$vid] = FALSE;

    // Try to load the data and fill up the object.
    $result = db_query('SELECT v.*, n.type FROM {vocabulary} v LEFT JOIN {vocabulary_node_types} n ON v.vid = n.vid WHERE v.vid = %d', $vid);
    $node_types = array();
    while ($voc = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      if (!empty($voc->type)) {
        $node_types[$voc->type] = $voc->type;
      $voc->nodes = $node_types;
      $vocabularies[$vid] = $voc;

  // Return FALSE if this vocabulary does not exist.
  return !empty($vocabularies[$vid]) ? $vocabularies[$vid] : FALSE;