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function heartbeat_nodejs_heartbeat_activity_save in Heartbeat 7

Implements hook_heartbeat_activity_save().

Problems on message output:

  • Denied links: skip messages for a user if links are in the message that lead to access denied pages, if configured that way.
  • Broken flag links: run the flag link different for each user so the flaglink token is correct
  • Comment access: Deny comment box (run heartbeat_activity_view with an account so we can check if the user receiving the message from the server sees the correct comment attachment.
  • Delete buttons: each heartbeat activity box that appears will have the delete button as the message was rendered for the owner. Here we need to run the user_access check for each user in the stream channel.

Problems for stream access

  • Refactor the code so hasAccess can be invoked on each HeartbeatActivity object with the stream as parameter. This way the permission restriction can be invoked from everywhere within the current context. For instance a message template is denied for a stream.
  • Add a function to check access on template configuration as the stream query does. This is only needed for the node.js implementation. Example "shout" type is blocked for PublicActivity stream. When nodejs pushes, it can't do these types of messages as this would be bad.


  • Open up channels for each stream that is displayed somewhere and add the users to it.
  • Create a javascript theme function where access can be done.


modules/heartbeat_nodejs/heartbeat_nodejs.module, line 40
Heartbeat node.js integration.


function heartbeat_nodejs_heartbeat_activity_save($heartbeatActivity) {

  // Create the activity message.

  //$accounts = nodejs_get_server_stats()->authenticatedClients;
  $output = heartbeat_activity_view($heartbeatActivity);

  // Node.js push implementation.
  nodejs_broadcast_message('', drupal_render($output));