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heartbeat_nodejs.module in Heartbeat 7

Heartbeat node.js integration.


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 * @file
 * Heartbeat node.js integration.

 * Implements hook_heartbeat_stream_load().
function heartbeat_nodejs_heartbeat_stream_load($heartbeatStream) {
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'heartbeat_nodejs') . '/heartbeat_nodejs.js');

 * Implements hook_heartbeat_activity_save().
 * Problems on message output:
 * - Denied links: skip messages for a user if links are in the message that lead to access
 *   denied pages, if configured that way.
 * - Broken flag links: run the flag link different for each user so the flaglink token is correct
 * - Comment access: Deny comment box (run heartbeat_activity_view with an account so we can check
 *   if the user receiving the message from the server sees the correct comment attachment.
 * - Delete buttons: each heartbeat activity box that appears will have the delete button as the
 *   message was rendered for the owner.
 *   Here we need to run the user_access check for each user in the stream channel.
 * Problems for stream access
 * - Refactor the code so hasAccess can be invoked on each HeartbeatActivity object with
 *   the stream as parameter. This way the permission restriction can be invoked from everywhere
 *   within the current context. For instance a message template is denied for a stream.
 * - Add a function to check access on template configuration as the stream query does. This is only
 *   needed for the node.js implementation. Example "shout" type is blocked for PublicActivity stream.
 *   When nodejs pushes, it can't do these types of messages as this would be bad.
 * Suggestions:
 * - Open up channels for each stream that is displayed somewhere and add the users to it.
 * - Create a javascript theme function where access can be done.
function heartbeat_nodejs_heartbeat_activity_save($heartbeatActivity) {

  // Create the activity message.

  //$accounts = nodejs_get_server_stats()->authenticatedClients;
  $output = heartbeat_activity_view($heartbeatActivity);

  // Node.js push implementation.
  nodejs_broadcast_message('', drupal_render($output));

 * Implements hook_heartbeat_activity_delete().
function heartbeat_nodejs_heartbeat_activity_delete($uaids, $all) {
  foreach ($uaids as $uaid) {
    nodejs_broadcast_message('heartbeat-delete-message', $uaid);