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Functions in Hashtags 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hashtags_entity_presave ./hashtags.module Implements hook_entity_presave().
hashtags_form_alter ./hashtags.module Implements hook_form_alter().
hashtags_form_field_config_edit_form_alter ./hashtags.module Implements hook_form_field_config_edit_form_alter().
hashtags_form_field_config_edit_form_submit ./hashtags.module Form submission handler for hashtags_form_field_config_edit_form_alter. 1
hashtags_help ./hashtags.module Implements hook_help().
hashtags_install ./hashtags.install Implements hook_install().
hashtags_uninstall ./hashtags.install Implements hook_uninstall().
_hashtags_field_attach_term ./hashtags.module Helper function that attach a term to the taxonomy terms hashtags field
_hashtags_field_attach_terms ./hashtags.module Helper function that attach a number of terms to the taxonomy terms hashtags field 1
_hashtags_field_remove_term ./hashtags.module Helper function that remove a term from the taxonomy terms hashtags field
_hashtags_get_activated_text_fields ./hashtags.module Get the field names of the Text type that have Hashtags flag activated 3
_hashtags_get_bundle_label ./hashtags.module Get bundle label by entity type id and bundle id. 2
_hashtags_get_content_entity_types ./hashtags.module Get Content Entity Types 2
_hashtags_get_entity_type_label ./hashtags.module Get entity type label by entity type id. 3
_hashtags_get_field_text_types ./hashtags.module Get field Text types that are avaiable for hashtags activation 2
_hashtags_get_tids_by_text ./hashtags.module Get taxonomy term ids by text that contains hashtags 1
_hashtags_get_tt_key ./hashtags.module Get taxonomy term key from the array of term values. 1
_hashtags_is_field_activated ./hashtags.module Check weither a hashtags feature is activated for passed field (text) 1
_hashtags_is_field_exists ./hashtags.module Check if field storage / field exist 6
_hashtags_parse_tags ./hashtags.module Parse a string and return an array or comma-separated string of tags depending on the mode (second parameter) 2

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