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Functions in Hashtags 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hashtags_add_filter ./hashtags.module 2
hashtags_clean_hash_symbol ./hashtags.module Clean hash (#) symbol in Hashtags vocabulary 2
hashtags_clean_hash_symbol_submit ./hashtags.module Submit handler for 'Clean hash symbol' button 1
hashtags_clean_orphaned_terms ./hashtags.module Clean orphaned hashtags in Hashtags vocabulary 1
hashtags_clean_orphaned_terms_submit ./hashtags.module Submit handler for 'Clean orphaned hashtags' button 1
hashtags_comment_insert ./hashtags.module Implements hook_comment_insert().
hashtags_comment_presave ./hashtags.module Implements hook_comment_presave().
hashtags_configuration_form ./hashtags.module Hashtags configuration form 1
hashtags_configuration_form_validate ./hashtags.module
hashtags_enable ./hashtags.install Implementation of hook_enable().
hashtags_entity_insert ./hashtags.module Implementation of hook_entity_insert().
hashtags_entity_presave ./hashtags.module Implementation of hook_entity_presave().
hashtags_fields_activate ./hashtags.module Activate hashtag field to use Hashtags for all bundles of passed entity type 2
hashtags_fields_content_types_submit ./hashtags.module 1
hashtags_filter_info ./hashtags.module Implements hook_filter_info().
hashtags_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter ./hashtags.module Implementation of hook_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter().
hashtags_get_terms_by_names ./hashtags.module 1
hashtags_help ./hashtags.module Implements hook_help().
hashtags_import_to_index_submit ./hashtags.module Submit handler for 'Import hashtags to index' button 1
hashtags_index_import ./hashtags.module Import hashtags data from node body fields to 'hashtags_index' table 2
hashtags_init ./hashtags.module Implements hook_init().
hashtags_menu ./hashtags.module Implements hook_menu().
hashtags_parse_tags ./hashtags.module 3
hashtags_permission ./hashtags.module Implements hook_permission().
hashtags_remove_filter ./hashtags.module
hashtags_schema ./hashtags.install Implementation of hook_schema().
hashtags_uninstall ./hashtags.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
hashtags_update_7001 ./hashtags.install Integrate Hashtag filter with Filter HTML and Full HTML input formats.
hashtags_update_7002 ./hashtags.install 1) Create a table for storing relations between hashtags, nodes and comments {hashtags_index} 2) Update Hashtags taxonomy: clean hash symbol for all saved hashtags #hash1 => hash1 3) Activate body fields for selected content types (that have…
_hashtags_add_term ./hashtags.module Check if term exists with passed term name and if not - add new term to database 2
_hashtags_filter_process ./hashtags.module 1
_hashtags_get_prev_terms ./hashtags.module Return formatted list of previous terms (taken from Term referrence field)
_hashtags_get_tracked_text ./hashtags.module Gather content of all 'text' fields that marked as 'Hashtag tracked' 2
_hashtags_index_add ./hashtags.module Add hashtag index to database 2
_hashtags_index_batch_finished ./hashtags.module Hashtags index import, batch finished callback 1
_hashtags_index_batch_process ./hashtags.module Hashtags index import, batch process callback 1
_hashtags_index_get_all_tags ./hashtags.module Return a array(name => tid) list of all hashtags that related to current entity (own hashtags & all comments hashtags) 1
_hashtags_index_get_comment_tags ./hashtags.module Return a array(name => tid) list of hashtags that belongs to passed comment 1
_hashtags_index_get_entity_tags ./hashtags.module Return a array(name => tid) list of entity hashtags (without comments related) 1
_hashtags_index_get_tags_count ./hashtags.module Return number of same tags that attached to current entity (only one can be attached for entity, and by one for each comment) 1
_hashtags_index_is_exists ./hashtags.module Check if index exists
_hashtags_index_remove ./hashtags.module Remove hashtag index from database 2
_hashtags_index_sync_tags ./hashtags.module Syncronize tags from 'hashtags_index' to field_hashtags. Must be called inside hook_entity_presave() 2
_hashtags_is_field_exists ./hashtags.module Check if field_hashtags field exists for passed entity 5
_hashtags_is_last_term ./hashtags.module Check if term is attached only to one entity (through Term referrence field type) 2
_hashtags_node_check_node_type ./hashtags.module Check whether a content type can be used in a hashtag.

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