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public function GroupTypeController::export in Group 7

Export a group type.

Exports a group type and its group roles.

Overrides EntityAPIControllerExportable::export


classes/, line 129
Defines the Entity API CRUD class for group types.


Controller for group type entities.


public function export($group_type, $prefix = '') {

  // Only add special export logic on existing entities. Features likes to
  // run on-the-fly entities through GroupTypeController::export(), which
  // may cause issues when determining the feature's state.
  if (empty($group_type->is_new)) {

    // Get the GroupRole controller.
    $controller = entity_get_controller('group_role');

    // Add an empty array to always have the 'roles' property on exports.
    $group_type->roles = array();

    // Add group roles to the group type.
    foreach ($group_type
      ->getRoles(FALSE) as $group_role) {

      // Global group roles are never exported along with a group type.
      if ($group_role->global) {
      $group_type->roles[] = drupal_json_decode($controller
        ->export($group_role, $prefix));
  return parent::export($group_type, $prefix);