class GroupTypeController in Group 7
Controller for group type entities.
- class \DrupalDefaultEntityController implements DrupalEntityControllerInterface
- class \EntityAPIController implements EntityAPIControllerRevisionableInterface
- class \EntityAPIControllerExportable
- class \GroupTypeController
- class \EntityAPIControllerExportable
- class \EntityAPIController implements EntityAPIControllerRevisionableInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of GroupTypeController
1 string reference to 'GroupTypeController'
- group_entity_info in ./ - Implements hook_entity_info().
- classes/, line 10 - Defines the Entity API CRUD class for group types.
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class GroupTypeController extends EntityAPIControllerExportable {
* Delete a group type.
* @see EntityAPIController::delete()
public function delete($ids, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
$gids = array();
foreach (group_types($ids) as $group_type) {
// If an entity is deleted while it was flagged as ENTITY_IN_CODE, it
// means the entity was either reverted or really deleted. By checking
// for the 'is_rebuild' property, we know it was deleted from within
// _entity_defaults_rebuild() which only deletes the entity if the
// default it came from is no longer available. In any other case, we
// are dealing with a revert or a manual deletion which will only result
// in the entity being rebuilt upon next cache clear.
$entity_in_code = entity_has_status('group_type', $group_type, ENTITY_IN_CODE);
$entity_rebuilt = !empty($group_type->is_rebuild);
// Set this on the group type so other modules can use it.
$group_type->is_revert = $entity_in_code && !$entity_rebuilt;
// Clean up local roles before deletion.
$group_type->is_deleted = TRUE;
// Gather the group ids of all groups of the deleted type.
if (!$group_type->is_revert) {
$groups = group_load_by_type($group_type->name);
$gids = array_merge($gids, array_keys($groups));
// Add Internationalization module support.
if (module_exists('i18n_string')) {
i18n_string_object_remove('group_type', $group_type);
// Delete all groups of the group types that weren't being reverted.
if (!empty($gids)) {
// Delete the group types after setting our flags so those flags are still
// being passed on to other modules implementing hook_group_type_delete().
parent::delete($ids, $transaction);
// Rebuild the menu cache so the group/add page works.
* Save a group type.
* @see EntityAPIController::save()
public function save($group_type, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
// When we are dealing with an imported Group Type, we need to take care
// of the Group Role entities that were imported along with it.
if (!empty($group_type->is_new) && !empty($group_type->roles)) {
// Create the group roles that were imported along with the type.
foreach ($group_type->roles as $role) {
$group_role = entity_import('group_role', entity_var_json_export($role));
// Remove the roles property before saving the group type.
// Save the group type after manipulating the roles and permissions
// so that those functions don't incorrectly flag this group type
$return = parent::save($group_type, $transaction);
// Rebuild the menu cache so the group/add page works.
// Add Internationalization module support.
if (module_exists('i18n_string')) {
i18n_string_object_update('group_type', $group_type);
return $return;
* Create a group type.
* We first set up the values that are specific to the group type schema
* but then also run the EntityAPIControllerExportable counterpart.
* @param array $values
* An array of values to set, keyed by property name.
* @return GroupType
* A new GroupType instance.
public function create(array $values = array()) {
// Provide defaults that are needed in group_type_form().
$values += array(
'name' => '',
'label' => '',
'anonymous_permissions' => array(),
'outsider_permissions' => array(),
'member_permissions' => array(),
'config' => array(),
return parent::create($values);
* Export a group type.
* Exports a group type and its group roles.
public function export($group_type, $prefix = '') {
// Only add special export logic on existing entities. Features likes to
// run on-the-fly entities through GroupTypeController::export(), which
// may cause issues when determining the feature's state.
if (empty($group_type->is_new)) {
// Get the GroupRole controller.
$controller = entity_get_controller('group_role');
// Add an empty array to always have the 'roles' property on exports.
$group_type->roles = array();
// Add group roles to the group type.
foreach ($group_type
->getRoles(FALSE) as $group_role) {
// Global group roles are never exported along with a group type.
if ($group_role->global) {
$group_type->roles[] = drupal_json_decode($controller
->export($group_role, $prefix));
return parent::export($group_type, $prefix);