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Functions in GoogleTagManager 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
google_tag_assets_create ./google_tag.module Saves snippet files and data layer classes based on current settings. 4
google_tag_enable ./google_tag.install Implements hook_enable().
google_tag_fieldset includes/ Fieldset builder for the module settings form. 1
google_tag_flush_caches ./google_tag.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
google_tag_form_elements includes/ Returns form elements from variable definitions. 1
google_tag_form_element_type includes/ Converts variable type to form element type. 1
google_tag_form_variable_edit_form_alter ./google_tag.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for variable_edit_form().
google_tag_form_variable_realm_edit_variables_form_alter ./google_tag.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for variable_realm_edit_variables_form().
google_tag_help ./google_tag.module Implements hook_help().
google_tag_insert_snippet ./google_tag.module Determines whether to insert the snippet on the response. 1
google_tag_menu ./google_tag.module Implements hook_menu().
google_tag_page_build ./google_tag.module Implements hook_page_build().
google_tag_permission ./google_tag.module Implements hook_permission().
google_tag_realm_values ./google_tag.module Returns applicable realm name and key for the request. 1
google_tag_requirements ./google_tag.install Implements hook_requirements().
google_tag_settings_form includes/ Form constructor for the module settings form. 1
google_tag_settings_form_after_build includes/ Element after build callback for google_tag_settings_form(). 1
google_tag_settings_form_submit includes/ Form submission handler for google_tag_settings_form(). 3
google_tag_settings_form_validate includes/ Form validation handler for google_tag_settings_form().
google_tag_snippets includes/ Returns JavaScript snippets. 1
google_tag_text_clean includes/ Cleans a string representing a list of items. 4
google_tag_uninstall ./google_tag.install Implements hook_uninstall().
google_tag_update_7101 ./google_tag.install Convert values in role_list variable from rid to role name.
google_tag_update_7102 ./google_tag.install Create directory for snippet files, if not present.
google_tag_update_7103 ./google_tag.install Convert toggle settings from integer to string.
google_tag_update_7104 ./google_tag.install Rename 'compact_tag' setting to 'compact_snippet'.
google_tag_update_7105 ./google_tag.install Deprecated update hook; no changes will be made.
google_tag_update_7106 ./google_tag.install Deprecated update hook; no changes will be made.
google_tag_variable_group_info ./google_tag.module Implements hook_variable_group_info().
google_tag_variable_info ./google_tag.module Implements hook_variable_info().
gtm_test_google_tag_realm_alter tests/gtm_test.module Implements hook_google_tag_realm_alter().
gtm_test_variable_realm_info tests/gtm_test.module Implements hook_variable_realm_info().
hook_google_tag_insert_alter ./google_tag.api.php Alter the state of snippet insertion on the current page response.
hook_google_tag_realm_alter ./google_tag.api.php Alter the realm values for the current page response.
hook_google_tag_snippets_alter ./google_tag.api.php Alter the snippets to be inserted on a page response.
_file_prepare_directory includes/ Checks that the directory exists and is writable. 2
_google_tag_assets_create includes/ Saves snippet files and data layer classes based on current settings. 2
_google_tag_classes_save includes/ Stores data layer classes based on current settings. 1
_google_tag_data_layer_snippet includes/ Returns JavaScript data layer snippet or adds items to data layer. 2
_google_tag_data_layer_verify includes/ Verifies presence of dataLayer module and compares name of data layer. 2
_google_tag_directory_prepare includes/ Prepares directory for base or realm specific snippet files. 1
_google_tag_environment_query includes/ Returns a query string with the environment parameters. 2
_google_tag_help includes/ Implements hook_help(). 1
_google_tag_is_executable includes/ Determines whether a directory is searchable. 3
_google_tag_is_windows includes/ Determines whether the operating system is Windows. 1
_google_tag_is_writable includes/ Determines whether a directory is writable. 3
_google_tag_menu includes/ Implements hook_menu(). 1
_google_tag_message_display includes/ Displays a message to admin users. 3
_google_tag_noscript_snippet includes/ Returns JavaScript noscript snippet. 1
_google_tag_path_check ./google_tag.module Determines whether to insert the snippet based on the path settings. 1


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