google_tag.module in GoogleTagManager 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Provides primary Drupal hook implementations.
Adds a JavaScript snippet to selected page responses to trigger analytics and other tracking items configured using the Google Tag Manager.
@author Jim Berry ("solotandem",
google_tag.moduleView source
* @file
* Provides primary Drupal hook implementations.
* Adds a JavaScript snippet to selected page responses to trigger analytics and
* other tracking items configured using the Google Tag Manager.
* @author Jim Berry ("solotandem",
* Default for matching all items except listed.
const GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED = 'exclude listed';
* Default for matching only listed items.
const GOOGLE_TAG_INCLUDE_LISTED = 'include listed';
* Default list of relative paths.
define('GOOGLE_TAG_PATHS', "admin*\nbatch*\nnode/add*\nnode/*/edit\nnode/*/delete\nuser/*/edit*\nuser/*/cancel*");
* Default list of HTTP response statuses that override path conditions.
define('GOOGLE_TAG_STATUSES', "403 Forbidden\n404 Not Found");
* Default list of tag classes to allow.
define('GOOGLE_TAG_WHITELIST_CLASSES', "google\nnonGooglePixels\nnonGoogleScripts\nnonGoogleIframes");
* Default list of tag classes to forbid.
define('GOOGLE_TAG_BLACKLIST_CLASSES', "customScripts\ncustomPixels");
* Implements hook_help().
function google_tag_help($path, $arg) {
module_load_include('inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/info');
return _google_tag_help($path, $arg);
* Implements hook_menu().
function google_tag_menu() {
module_load_include('inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/info');
return _google_tag_menu();
* Implements hook_permission().
function google_tag_permission() {
module_load_include('inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/info');
return _google_tag_permission();
* Implements hook_flush_caches().
* This is called from system_cron() and drupal_flush_all_caches().
function google_tag_flush_caches() {
* Implements hook_variable_group_info().
function google_tag_variable_group_info() {
module_load_include('inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/variable');
return _google_tag_variable_group_info();
* Implements hook_variable_info().
function google_tag_variable_info($options) {
module_load_include('inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/variable');
return _google_tag_variable_info($options);
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for variable_edit_form().
* This applies to:
* - individual variables with a path like:
* admin/config/system/variable/edit/google_tag_role_toggle
* - all variables by group with a path like:
* admin/config/system/variable/group/google_tag
* - all variables by module with a path like:
* admin/config/system/variable/module/google_tag
* on the latter two forms:
* - comment says 'These are global default variables.'
* - regardless the highlighted value in realm switcher
* - realm name:key = global:default
* - $form[#variable_options][realm]->realm and key
* all of these forms have:
* - element parents are none
* - $form[#variable_edit_form] contains list of variables on the form
* - with first form need to check the variable being in this module
* on all pages:
* - variable_realm_key_[realm] may be a query argument in the url
function google_tag_form_variable_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// Also include these on group and module pages for element validation.
form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/admin');
form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/variable');
if (strpos($_GET['q'], 'admin/config/system/variable/edit/') === 0) {
if (strpos($form['#variable_edit_form'][0], 'google_tag_') === 0) {
$form['#submit'][] = 'google_tag_settings_form_submit';
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for variable_realm_edit_variables_form().
* This applies to:
* - selected variables by realm with a path like:
* admin/config/system/variable/realm/language/edit
* - $form[#variable_options][realm]->realm and key
* - $form_state[build_info][args] = [ [0] => realm_name, [1] => realm_key ]
* - element parents are [variables][google_tag]
* - and tree is true on variables key
* - $form[#variable_edit_form] contains list of variables on the form
* - which includes variables from other modules
function google_tag_form_variable_realm_edit_variables_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
// @todo Why does variable_realm not set this item on this particular form?
$form['#realm_keys'][$form['#variable_options']['realm']->realm] = $form['#variable_options']['realm']->key;
$form['#submit'][] = 'google_tag_settings_form_submit';
form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/admin');
form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/variable');
* Implements hook_page_build().
* Adds the snippet to the page array if the insertion conditions are met.
* @see drupal_render_page()
function google_tag_page_build(&$page) {
if (!google_tag_insert_snippet()) {
// Call sequence:
// - drupal_render_page()
// - hook_page_build()
// - hook_page_alter()
// - drupal_render()
// - drupal_render()
// - callbacks in $elements['#theme_wrappers']
// - hook_preprocess_html(): 'html' is the wrapper for page
// - templates may add tags after body tag
// - callbacks in $elements['#post_render']
// - google_tag_page_process(): callback set here
$base_path = 'public:/';
$include_classes = variable_get('google_tag_include_classes', 0);
list($realm_name, $realm_key) = google_tag_realm_values();
$realm_name .= $realm_name ? '/' : '';
$realm_key .= $realm_key ? '.' : '';
$types = $include_classes ? array(
) : array(
$data_layer = variable_get('google_tag_data_layer', 'dataLayer');
if ($include_classes && module_exists('datalayer') && $data_layer == 'dataLayer') {
$classes = variable_get('google_tag_data_layer_classes', array());
if ($classes) {
// Add data_layer using dataLayer module.
$types = array(
// Add data_layer and script snippets to head (by default).
$include_script_as_file = variable_get('google_tag_include_file', 1);
if ($include_script_as_file) {
foreach ($types as $type) {
// A stream wrapper may be passed as $data to drupal_add_js($data) because
// drupal_get_js() calls file_create_url($data). The latter will work with
// whichever class implements the stream, e.g. local, S3, or App Engine.
$path = "{$base_path}/google_tag/{$realm_name}google_tag.{$realm_key}{$type}.js";
// @todo Will it matter if file is empty?
drupal_add_js($path, array(
'group' => JS_LIBRARY * 2,
'requires_jquery' => FALSE,
'defer' => 'true',
else {
foreach ($types as $type) {
$url = "{$base_path}/google_tag/{$realm_name}google_tag.{$realm_key}{$type}.js";
$contents = @file_get_contents($url);
// @see drupal_get_js()
// For inline JavaScript to validate as XHTML, all JavaScript containing
// XHTML needs to be wrapped in CDATA.
if ($contents) {
drupal_add_js($contents, array(
'type' => 'inline',
'group' => JS_LIBRARY * 2,
'requires_jquery' => FALSE,
// Add noscript snippet to page_top region.
$type = 'noscript';
$url = "{$base_path}/google_tag/{$realm_name}google_tag.{$realm_key}{$type}.js";
$noscript = @file_get_contents($url);
if ($noscript) {
// Note: for any theme that follows the pattern of core html.tpl.php in the
// system module (e.g. bootstrap theme), this does not place the snippet
// immediately after the body tag but rather after the 'skip-link' div.
$page['page_top']['google_tag'] = array(
'#markup' => $noscript,
'#weight' => -10,
* Returns applicable realm name and key for the request.
* @return array
* The realm name and key.
function google_tag_realm_values() {
$realm_name = $realm_key = '';
if (module_exists('variable_realm') && module_exists('variable_store')) {
// If realms exist, then the non-realm snippet files will not be loaded.
// These are in the 'google_tag' directory beneath the site files directory.
// If variable_realm module is later removed, then visit the module settings
// page and update the settings.
$realms = variable_realm_current();
// Remove the global realm as this is always active.
if (empty($realms)) {
$realm_name = 'global';
$realm_key = 'default';
else {
// The variable_realm module allows multiple realms to be 'active' on a
// page request. The realms are ordered with 'greater' weight having
// precedence. Select the last realm but allow other modules to override.
$realm_name = key(array_reverse($realms));
$realm_key = variable_realm_status($realm_name);
// Allow other modules to alter the realm name and key.
$realm_values = array(
'name' => $realm_name,
'key' => $realm_key,
drupal_alter('google_tag_realm', $realm_values);
$realm_name = $realm_values['name'];
$realm_key = $realm_values['key'];
$debug = variable_get('google_tag_debug_output', 0);
$debug ? drupal_set_message(t('realm:key = @realm:@key', array(
'@realm' => $realm_name,
'@key' => $realm_key,
))) : '';
return array(
* Determines whether to insert the snippet on the response.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the conditions are met; FALSE otherwise.
function google_tag_insert_snippet() {
$id = variable_get('google_tag_container_id', '');
if (empty($id)) {
// No container ID.
return FALSE;
$satisfied = TRUE;
if (!_google_tag_status_check() || !_google_tag_path_check() || !_google_tag_role_check()) {
// Omit snippet if any condition is not met.
$satisfied = FALSE;
// Allow other modules to alter the insertion criteria.
drupal_alter('google_tag_insert', $satisfied);
$debug = variable_get('google_tag_debug_output', 0);
$debug ? drupal_set_message(t('after alter @satisfied', array(
'@satisfied' => $satisfied,
))) : '';
return $satisfied;
* Determines whether to insert the snippet based on status code settings.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the status conditions are met; FALSE otherwise.
function _google_tag_status_check() {
static $satisfied;
if (!isset($satisfied)) {
$debug = variable_get('google_tag_debug_output', 0);
$toggle = variable_get('google_tag_status_toggle', GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED);
$statuses = variable_get('google_tag_status_list', GOOGLE_TAG_STATUSES);
if (empty($statuses)) {
$satisfied = $toggle == GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED;
else {
// Get the HTTP response status.
$status = drupal_get_http_header('status');
$satisfied = $status && strpos($statuses, $status) !== FALSE;
$satisfied = $toggle == GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED ? !$satisfied : $satisfied;
$debug ? drupal_set_message(t('google_tag')) : '';
$debug ? drupal_set_message(t('status check @satisfied', array(
'@satisfied' => $satisfied,
))) : '';
return $satisfied;
* Determines whether to insert the snippet based on the path settings.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the path conditions are met; FALSE otherwise.
function _google_tag_path_check() {
static $satisfied;
if (!isset($satisfied)) {
$debug = variable_get('google_tag_debug_output', 0);
$toggle = variable_get('google_tag_path_toggle', GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED);
$paths = variable_get('google_tag_path_list', GOOGLE_TAG_PATHS);
if (empty($paths)) {
$satisfied = $toggle == GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED;
else {
// @todo Are not some paths case sensitive???
// Convert the paths to lowercase before comparison.
$paths = drupal_strtolower($paths);
$path = drupal_strtolower(drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']));
$satisfied = drupal_match_path($path, $paths);
// @todo Lowercase $_GET['q'] before comparison? What is purpose of this check?
if ($path != $_GET['q']) {
$satisfied = $satisfied || drupal_match_path($_GET['q'], $paths);
$satisfied = $toggle == GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED ? !$satisfied : $satisfied;
$debug ? drupal_set_message(t('path check @satisfied', array(
'@satisfied' => $satisfied,
))) : '';
return $satisfied;
* Determines whether to insert the snippet based on the user role settings.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the role conditions are met; FALSE otherwise.
function _google_tag_role_check() {
global $user;
static $satisfied;
if (!isset($satisfied)) {
$debug = variable_get('google_tag_debug_output', 0);
$toggle = variable_get('google_tag_role_toggle', GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED);
$roles = variable_get('google_tag_role_list', array());
$roles = array_filter($roles);
if (empty($roles)) {
$satisfied = $toggle == GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED;
else {
$satisfied = FALSE;
// Check user roles against listed roles.
$satisfied = (bool) array_intersect($roles, $user->roles);
$satisfied = $toggle == GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED ? !$satisfied : $satisfied;
$debug ? drupal_set_message(t('role check @satisfied', array(
'@satisfied' => $satisfied,
))) : '';
return $satisfied;
* Saves snippet files and data layer classes based on current settings.
function google_tag_assets_create() {
module_load_include('inc', 'google_tag', 'includes/admin');
Name![]() |
Description |
GOOGLE_TAG_BLACKLIST_CLASSES | Default list of tag classes to forbid. |
GOOGLE_TAG_EXCLUDE_LISTED | Default for matching all items except listed. |
GOOGLE_TAG_INCLUDE_LISTED | Default for matching only listed items. |
GOOGLE_TAG_PATHS | Default list of relative paths. |
GOOGLE_TAG_STATUSES | Default list of HTTP response statuses that override path conditions. |
GOOGLE_TAG_WHITELIST_CLASSES | Default list of tag classes to allow. |