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function theme_gm3_map in Google Maps API V3 7

Simple theme function

6 theme calls to theme_gm3_map()
gm3_field_field_widget_form in gm3_field/gm3_field.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
gm3_filter_google_map_process in gm3_filter/gm3_filter.module
Callbacks as defined in hook_filter_info.
gm3_filter_helper_form in gm3_filter/
Function to return the form!
gm3_region_field_field_widget_form in gm3_region/gm3_region_field/gm3_region_field.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
gm3_region_field_gm3_region_view in gm3_region/gm3_region_field/gm3_region_field.module
View function that is called by the gm3_field module.

... See full list


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function theme_gm3_map($variables) {
  $map = gm3_get_map($variables);
  return drupal_render($map);