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function gm3_get_map in Google Maps API V3 7

Function to return a renderable array for a map.

2 calls to gm3_get_map()
gm3_field_field_formatter_view in gm3_field/gm3_field.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
theme_gm3_map in ./
Simple theme function


./, line 14


function gm3_get_map($variables) {

  // No need to use drupal_static here!
  static $info = array();
  if (!isset($variables['map']['id'])) {

    // Could we get this dynamically from hook_theme?
    $variables['map']['id'] = 'gm3-map';
  if (isset($variables['map']['libraries']['point']['convexhull']) && $variables['map']['libraries']['point']['convexhull']) {

    // We need to add a convex hull polygon.  Lets do so.
    if (gm3_load_geophp()) {
      $points = array();
      foreach ($variables['map']['libraries']['point']['points'] as $point) {
        $points[] = new Point($point['latitude'], $point['longitude']);
      $multipoint = new MultiPoint($points);
      $convexhull = json_decode(@$multipoint
      $poly = array();
      foreach ($convexhull->coordinates[0] as $latlng) {
        $poly[] = array(
          // WHY OH WHY is this the reverse order of what we expect?
      $variables['map']['libraries']['polygon']['polygons'][] = array(
        'polygon' => $poly,
        'editable' => FALSE,
        'content' => t('Convex hull for the points within it.'),
  if (isset($info[$variables['map']['id']])) {

    // this map has already been initialized.
    // We can alter settings for the map, but won't be able to add any tools
    // to the map.  This won't be a problem for viewing a map, but may be an
    // issue for editing.
      'gm3' => array(
        'maps' => array(
          $variables['map']['id'] => array(
            'libraries' => $variables['map']['libraries'],
    ), 'setting');
    return FALSE;
  else {
    $info[$variables['map']['id']] = TRUE;
    $tools = '';
    if (isset($variables['map']['tools'])) {
      $tools = '<div class="gm3-tools"><ul id="toolbar-' . $variables['map']['id'] . '"><li class="gm3-clicked"><div data-gm3-class="default" class="gm3-tools-button"><p>' . t('Move') . '</p></div></li><li>' . implode("</li><li>", $variables['map']['tools']) . '</li></ul></div>';
    return array(
      '#attached' => array(
        'css' => array(
          drupal_get_path('module', 'gm3') . '/css/gm3.css',
      '#markup' => '<div class="gm3-container">' . $tools . '<div class="gm3-map-wrapper"><div id="' . $variables['map']['id'] . '"></div></div></div>',