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class PDSubmission in GlobalLink Connect for Drupal 7.7


Expanded class hierarchy of PDSubmission


gl_ws/glc/model/, line 4

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class PDSubmission {

   * [Optional] Custom attributes. Array of PDCustomAttribute. PDProject->customAttributes gets you the list of configured attributes for the project.
  public $customAttributes;

   * [Optional] Due date by when the submission should be completed in Project Director.
   * This should always be greater than current date. If due date is not specified, Project Director
   * will rely on the configured language model to calculate a due date. strtotime*1000
  public $dueDate;

   * [Optional] Instructions for the translators
  public $instructions;

   * [Optional] Submission priority. Boolean. Defaults to false(Normal)
  public $isUrgent;

   * [Optional] Key-value array of metadata
  public $metadata;

   * Name of the submission that will show up in Project Director
  public $name;

   * Set the PDProject for which this submission will be created
  public $project;

   * [Optional] Notes for the project managers
  public $pmNotes;

   * [Optional]  Set the submitter to a user other than the logged in user
  public $submitter;

   * Submission ticket
  public $ticket;

   * [Optional]  Set the PDWorkflow to use
  public $workflow;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PDSubmission::$customAttributes public property [Optional] Custom attributes. Array of PDCustomAttribute. PDProject->customAttributes gets you the list of configured attributes for the project.
PDSubmission::$dueDate public property [Optional] Due date by when the submission should be completed in Project Director. This should always be greater than current date. If due date is not specified, Project Director will rely on the configured language model to calculate a due date.…
PDSubmission::$instructions public property [Optional] Instructions for the translators
PDSubmission::$isUrgent public property [Optional] Submission priority. Boolean. Defaults to false(Normal)
PDSubmission::$metadata public property [Optional] Key-value array of metadata
PDSubmission::$name public property Name of the submission that will show up in Project Director
PDSubmission::$pmNotes public property [Optional] Notes for the project managers
PDSubmission::$project public property Set the PDProject for which this submission will be created
PDSubmission::$submitter public property [Optional] Set the submitter to a user other than the logged in user
PDSubmission::$ticket public property Submission ticket
PDSubmission::$workflow public property [Optional] Set the PDWorkflow to use