You are here in GlobalLink Connect for Drupal 7.7


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require_once '';
class PDSubmission {

   * [Optional] Custom attributes. Array of PDCustomAttribute. PDProject->customAttributes gets you the list of configured attributes for the project.
  public $customAttributes;

   * [Optional] Due date by when the submission should be completed in Project Director.
   * This should always be greater than current date. If due date is not specified, Project Director
   * will rely on the configured language model to calculate a due date. strtotime*1000
  public $dueDate;

   * [Optional] Instructions for the translators
  public $instructions;

   * [Optional] Submission priority. Boolean. Defaults to false(Normal)
  public $isUrgent;

   * [Optional] Key-value array of metadata
  public $metadata;

   * Name of the submission that will show up in Project Director
  public $name;

   * Set the PDProject for which this submission will be created
  public $project;

   * [Optional] Notes for the project managers
  public $pmNotes;

   * [Optional]  Set the submitter to a user other than the logged in user
  public $submitter;

   * Submission ticket
  public $ticket;

   * [Optional]  Set the PDWorkflow to use
  public $workflow;



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