6 calls to getlocations_aggr_get() in Get Locations 7
- getlocations_fields_getmap in modules/
getlocations_fields/ getlocations_fields.module - input map
- getlocations_leaflet_library in modules/
getlocations_leaflet/ getlocations_leaflet.module - Implements hook_library().
- getlocations_search_getmap in modules/
getlocations_search/ getlocations_search.module - Set up the map and use getlocations to spit it out
- getlocations_settings_form in ./
getlocations.admin.inc - Function to display the getlocations admin settings form
- getlocations_setup_js in ./
getlocations.module - Function to setup the map scripts
- getlocations_tools_export_form in modules/
getlocations_tools/ getlocations_tools.module