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function template_preprocess_galleria_container in Galleria 7

Template preprocess handler for 'galleria_container' theme.


theme/, line 13
Theming functions for the Galleria module.


function template_preprocess_galleria_container(&$vars) {

  // Each Galleria instance gets a unique id
  $galleria_id =& drupal_static('galleria_id', 0);
  $vars['id'] = ++$galleria_id;

  // Load the used option set
  if (!empty($vars['settings']['optionset'])) {
    $optionset = galleria_optionset_load($vars['settings']['optionset']);
  if (empty($optionset)) {

    // Fall back to 'default' option set
    $optionset = galleria_optionset_load('default');

  // Attach Galleria JavaScript
  galleria_add_js($galleria_id, $optionset);

  // Prepare image elements
  $items = $vars['items'];
  $vars['items'] = array();
  $thumb_style = empty($optionset->imagestyle_thumb) ? 'galleria_thumb' : $optionset->imagestyle_thumb;
  foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {

    // Stop errors for empty URI. See issue [#1319268] for details.
    if (empty($item['uri'])) {

    // Get URL for "normal" image
    if (empty($optionset->imagestyle_normal)) {
      $normal_url = file_create_url($item['uri']);
    else {
      $normal_url = image_style_url($optionset->imagestyle_normal, $item['uri']);

    // Get URL for "big" image (for lightbox and fullscreen)
    if (empty($optionset->imagestyle_big)) {
      $big_url = file_create_url($item['uri']);
    elseif ($optionset->imagestyle_big != $optionset->imagestyle_normal) {
      $big_url = image_style_url($optionset->imagestyle_big, $item['uri']);
    if (!empty($big_url)) {
      $options = array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'rel' => $big_url,
    else {
      $options = array();
    $vars['items'][$delta] = array(
      '#theme' => 'image_formatter',
      '#item' => $item,
      '#image_style' => $thumb_style,
      '#path' => array(
        'path' => $normal_url,
        'options' => $options,