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Functions in Galleria 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
galleria_add_js ./galleria.module This function loads the required JavaScripts and settings for a Galleria instance. 1
galleria_ctools_plugin_api ./galleria.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
galleria_field_formatter_info ./galleria.module Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
galleria_field_formatter_prepare_view ./galleria.module Implements hook_field_formatter_prepare_view().
galleria_field_formatter_settings_form ./galleria.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
galleria_field_formatter_settings_summary ./galleria.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
galleria_field_formatter_view ./galleria.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
galleria_form_optionset_add includes/ Form builder; Form for adding a new option set. 1
galleria_form_optionset_add_submit includes/ Submit handler for adding a new option set.
galleria_form_optionset_edit includes/ Form builder; Form to edit a given option set. 1
galleria_form_optionset_edit_submit includes/ Submit handler for 'Save option set' button; Save the changed option set.
galleria_form_optionset_edit_submit_add includes/ Submit handler for 'Add option' button; Add a new option to the set. 1
galleria_form_optionset_edit_submit_delete includes/ Submit handler for 'Delete' buttons; Delete an option from the set. 1
galleria_form_optionset_export includes/ Export option sets 1
galleria_form_optionset_import includes/ Import option set form 1
galleria_form_settings includes/ Form builder; Form for advanced module settings. 1
galleria_form_settings_submit includes/ Submit handler for the advanced module settings.
galleria_form_settings_submit_clearcache includes/ Submit handler for the advanced module settings form button 'Clear cache'. 1
galleria_galleria_default_presets ./ Implementation of hook_galleria_default_presets()
galleria_get_library_file ./galleria.module 2
galleria_get_plugins ./galleria.module Searches for available plugins inside the Galleria folder. The list of plugins is cached for performance reasons. 3
galleria_get_plugin_file ./galleria.module Returns the JavaScript file of the given plugin, or FALSE if it could not be found. 1
galleria_get_themes ./galleria.module Searches for available themes inside the Galleria folder. The list of themes is cached for performance reasons. 3
galleria_get_theme_file ./galleria.module Returns the JavaScript file of the given theme, or FALSE if it could not be found. 1
galleria_help ./galleria.module Implements hook_help().
galleria_image_default_styles ./galleria.module Implements hook_image_default_styles().
galleria_menu ./galleria.module Implements hook_menu().
galleria_optionsets_load_all ./galleria.module Fetches all option sets from the database and returns them as an associative array. 3
galleria_optionset_exists ./galleria.module Checks whether an option set with the given name already exists. 1
galleria_optionset_form_delete includes/ Form builder; Form to delete a given option set. 1
galleria_optionset_form_delete_submit includes/ Submit handler for deleting an option set.
galleria_optionset_load ./galleria.module Fetches the given option set and returns it as an object or NULL, if no set could be found. 2
galleria_option_element includes/ Returns the form element to use to edit the given option. 1
galleria_option_elements includes/ This function returns an array defining the form elements used to edit the different options. 2
galleria_page_optionset_list includes/ Menu callback; Listing of all current option sets. 1
galleria_permission ./galleria.module Implements hook_permission().
galleria_prepare_file_images ./galleria.module Util function to parse file $items and return images in format expected by galleria formatter. 1
galleria_prepare_media_images ./galleria.module Util function to parse media $items and return images in format expected by galleria formatter. 1
galleria_schema ./galleria.install Implements hook_schema(). Always returns the latest schema version!
galleria_theme ./galleria.module Implements hook_theme().
galleria_update_7000 ./galleria.install Create the first version of the new database schema.
galleria_update_7001 ./galleria.install Integrate image style settings into the option sets.
galleria_update_7002 ./galleria.install Updates renamed field formatter settings.
galleria_update_7003 ./galleria.install Add support for Galleria plugins.
galleria_views_api ./galleria.module Implements hook_views_api().
galleria_views_plugins ./
template_preprocess_galleria_container theme/ Template preprocess handler for 'galleria_container' theme.
theme_galleria_form_table includes/ Theme to embed tables into forms.
theme_views_view_galleria theme/ Theme 'views_view_galleria'.
_galleria_validate_integer includes/ Validate a form element that should have an integer value. 1


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