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function fullcalendar_legend_get_type_bundle in FullCalendar 7.2

Finds the bundle of a given date field.


array $fields: An array of results from field_info_field(), keyed by field name.

Return value

array Array of bundles.


fullcalendar_legend/fullcalendar_legend.module, line 165
Adds a legend of event types.


function fullcalendar_legend_get_type_bundle($fields) {
  $types = array();

  // Recurse through each field, finding out its bundle and entity type.
  // Array is keyed first by field name.
  foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {

    // Then by entity type.
    foreach ($field['bundles'] as $entity_type => $bundles) {
      $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);

      // And finally by bundle name.
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
        if (!isset($types[$bundle])) {

          // @todo Find a generic way to process all entity types.
          switch ($entity_type) {
            case 'node':
            case 'taxonomy_term':
            case 'user':
              $types[$bundle]['entity_type'] = $entity_type;
              $types[$bundle]['field_name'] = $field_name;
              $types[$bundle]['bundle'] = $bundle;
              $types[$bundle]['label'] = $entity_info['bundles'][$bundle]['label'];
  return $types;