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Files in FullCalendar 7.2

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt See fullcalendar_options/includes/ Provides extra FullCalendar configuration options for Colorbox. includes/ Administrative page callbacks for the FullCalendar module.
fullcalendar.api.php fullcalendar.api.php Hooks provided by the FullCalendar module. includes/ Drush integration for FullCalendar. includes/ Provides default FullCalendar configuration options. name = FullCalendar description = Provides a views style plugin for FullCalendar core = 7.x package = FullCalendar configure = admin/config/user-interface/fullcalendar dependencies[] = views dependencies[] = date dependencies[] = date_views files[] =…
fullcalendar.install fullcalendar.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the FullCalendar module.
fullcalendar.module fullcalendar.module Provides a views style plugin for FullCalendar
fullcalendar.theme.css css/fullcalendar.theme.css /* Force contents to wrap */ .fc-event { word-wrap: break-word; } /* Undo Drupal default theme link colors */ .fc-content a:link, .fc-content a:visited { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } /* Reset FullCalendar generic style… includes/views/ Contains Views module hooks. fullcalendar_colors/ name = FullCalendar Colors description = Allows definition of colors for FullCalendar events based on taxonomies, node types, etc. core = 7.x package = FullCalendar dependencies[] = colors dependencies[] = fullcalendar
fullcalendar_colors.install fullcalendar_colors/fullcalendar_colors.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the FullCalendar Colors module.
fullcalendar_colors.module fullcalendar_colors/fullcalendar_colors.module Provide integration with Colors module for FullCalendar. includes/views/handlers/ Provide a field that attaches a Google Calendar feed. fullcalendar_legend/plugins/content_types/ fullcalendar_legend/ name = FullCalendar Legend description = Show the bundle names of content types on a FullCalendar. Intended for use with FullCalendar Colors. core = 7.x package = FullCalendar dependencies[] = fullcalendar dependencies[] = block
fullcalendar_legend.install fullcalendar_legend/fullcalendar_legend.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the FullCalendar Legend module.
fullcalendar_legend.module fullcalendar_legend/fullcalendar_legend.module Adds a legend of event types.
fullcalendar_legend.theme.css fullcalendar_legend/css/fullcalendar_legend.theme.css .fullcalendar-legend .fc-event-default { -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; font-size: 0.85em; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em; padding: 0.1em 0.5em; } .fullcalendar-legend .fc-event-default a… fullcalendar_options/includes/ Administrative page callback for the FullCalendar Options module. fullcalendar_options/includes/ Provides extra FullCalendar configuration options. fullcalendar_options/ name = FullCalendar Options description = FullCalendar configuration extenders. core = 7.x package = FullCalendar configure = admin/config/user-interface/fullcalendar/options dependencies[] = fullcalendar
fullcalendar_options.install fullcalendar_options/fullcalendar_options.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the FullCalendar Options module.
fullcalendar_options.module fullcalendar_options/fullcalendar_options.module Processes various FullCalendar configuration extenders. includes/views/plugins/ Contains the FullCalendar style plugin.
README.txt README.txt This module requires the 3rd party library for FullCalendar located at Download the most recent version of the plugin. When unzipped, the plugin contains several directories. The fullcalendar/fullcalendar directory…
README.txt fullcalendar_options/README.txt FullCalendar Options This module provides some additional advanced features for the FullCalendar module. To enable these features, go to the administration interface at Settings > User Interface > FullCalendar and click the "Options"… theme/ Preprocess functions for FullCalendar. fullcalendar_legend/theme/ Theme functions for FullCalendar Legend.

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