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function hook_fullcalendar_options_info in FullCalendar 7.2

Declares your FullCalendar configuration extender.

Return value

array An associative array, keyed by your module's machine name, containing an associative array with the following key-value pairs:

  • name: The translated name of your module.
  • parent: (optional) The machine name of your module if you are providing functionality on behalf of another module.
  • css: (optional) TRUE if the module provides a CSS file.
  • js: (optional) TRUE if the module provides a JS file.
  • weight: (optional) A number defining the order in which the includes are processed and added to the form.
  • no_fieldset: (optional) TRUE if the module provides its own fieldset.
3 functions implement hook_fullcalendar_options_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

colorbox_fullcalendar_options_info in fullcalendar_options/includes/
Implements hook_fullcalendar_options_info().
fullcalendar_fullcalendar_options_info in includes/
Implements hook_fullcalendar_options_info().
fullcalendar_options_fullcalendar_options_info in fullcalendar_options/includes/
Implements hook_fullcalendar_options_info().
4 invocations of hook_fullcalendar_options_info()
fullcalendar_fullcalendar_options_process in includes/
Implements hook_fullcalendar_options_process().
fullcalendar_plugin_style_fullcalendar::options_form in includes/views/plugins/
Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.
fullcalendar_views_pre_view in includes/views/
Implements hook_views_pre_view().
template_preprocess_fullcalendar in theme/
Builds the FullCalendar structure as a render array.


./fullcalendar.api.php, line 138
Hooks provided by the FullCalendar module.


function hook_fullcalendar_options_info() {

  // Colorbox integration is currently provided by fullcalendar_options, and it
  // provides a JS file.
  return array(
    'colorbox' => array(
      'name' => t('Colorbox'),
      'js' => TRUE,
      'parent' => 'fullcalendar_options',