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Functions in Forena Reports 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
forena_add_report ./forena.module Add a new report from scratch in 1
forena_admin_params ./forena.module Calls forena_admin_params_form in edit and save param values. 1
forena_admin_params_form ./ 1
forena_admin_params_form_submit ./
forena_block_access ./ Check access control using the block in a data block. In this case public assess returns true. 1
forena_block_info ./forena.module Implementation of hook_block_info
forena_block_view ./forena.module Implementation of hook_block_view
forena_block_xml ./ Send report block XML Enter description here ... 1
forena_categories_autocomplete ./forena.module Auto complete for categories 1
forena_clean_xhtml ./ Clean xhtml 1
forena_confirm_email ./ Email confirmation form. Confirms an email send based on mail merge 1
forena_confirm_email_submit ./
forena_controls ./ Builds a global array of available controls and returns the array. 1
forena_current_user_name ./forena.module Helper function for current user for the drupal instance
forena_current_user_uid ./forena.module Helper function for current user for the drupal instance 1
forena_data_block ./forena.module Add, preview, or delete data blocks from your report 1
forena_data_block_add ./ submit handler for forena_data_block_form. This adds the datablock to an existing report. 1
forena_data_block_autocomplete ./forena.module Auto complete for data blocks 1
forena_data_block_delete ./ Delete submit handler to delete report blocks 1
forena_data_block_form ./ A form to preview and add data blocks to an existing report 1
forena_data_block_form_submit ./ The Preview submit handler for forena_add_block_form Renders datablock into a report 1
forena_data_block_form_validate ./ Validates the forena_data_block_form's data_block field.
forena_db_sync ./ Syncronize the data 1
forena_debug ./ 4
forena_define_controls ./ returns a list of instances of the control classes if there wasn't a class, returns an empty string. 6
forena_define_plugins ./ Loads all of the include files that 1
forena_delete_form ./ Form to confirm the delete of a form. 1
forena_delete_form_submit ./
forena_delete_report ./ Remove the report from the database and file system. 2
forena_doc_formats_settings ./ 1
forena_edit_delete_submit ./ Handle delete buttons from edit forms. 1
forena_error ./ General wrapper procedure for reporting erros 16
forena_fields_form ./ 1
forena_fields_format_autocomplete ./forena.module Auto complete for formats 1
forena_fields_form_submit ./
forena_fields_report ./forena.module Calls forena_fields_form in 1
forena_filter_element ./ 1
forena_filter_info ./forena.module Implememntation of hook_filter
forena_forena_controls ./forena.module Self register controls with forena.
forena_forena_plugins ./forena.module Self register plugins with forena.
forena_format_data ./ 1
forena_generate_doc ./ @return: The document in the requested format. Returns a string if not able to format. 2
forena_get_categories ./ Auto complete function for categories Checks access for security as well. 1
forena_get_data_block_params ./ 1
forena_get_doctypes ./ Gets the correct format function to render the document and returns an object of that class. 3
forena_get_formatter ./ Load the formatters for all initialized repositories. 1
forena_get_html ./ Accepts the name of the html tag, and the string the tag is in.
forena_get_report ./ Accepts the name of a file 5
forena_get_report_editor ./ Accepts the name of a file 8
forena_get_templates ./ Returns an object of the template class that has a method named templates. 1


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