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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Forena Reports 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
FrxControls class plugins/ @file contains various methods for extending report formating, layout, transformation and design.
FrxDataProvider class ./ @file Class that defines default methods for access control in an FrxDataProvider 7
FrxDrupal class plugins/ @file Provides data blocks for native drupal connections using the default drupal connections.
FrxFeedEngine class plugins/ @file Implements a method for importing xml feeds available on the web @TODO: Implement the feed engine using curl
FrxFiles class plugins/ @file File class for loading raw xml files as Sample data This class is used as a reference implementation of a data engine, but is also used to provide sample data files and reports. @author metzlerd
FrxMSSQL class plugins/ @file Oracle specific driver that takes advantage of oracles native XML support
FrxOracle class plugins/ @file Oracle specific driver that takes advantage of oracles native XML support
FrxPDO class plugins/ @file General database engine used to do sql queries.
FrxPostgres class plugins/ @file Oracle specific driver that takes advantage of oracles native XML support
FrxReport class ./
FrxReportEditor class ./ Wrapper XML class for working with DOM object. It provides helper Enter description here ... @author metzlerd
FrxSyntaxEngine class ./

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