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function _focal_point_form_append_focal_point_preview in Focal Point 7

Append the focal point preview field to file edit forms.


array $form: The form array provided by hook_form_alter() to attach the focal point preview to.

object $file: The file object we should be adding the preview for.

2 calls to _focal_point_form_append_focal_point_preview()
focal_point_form_file_entity_add_upload_alter in ./focal_point.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
focal_point_form_file_entity_edit_alter in ./focal_point.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


./focal_point.module, line 171


function _focal_point_form_append_focal_point_preview(&$form, $file) {
  if (_focal_point_supported_field_type('media') && is_object($file) && _focal_point_supported_file($file)) {
    $default_value = !empty($file->focal_point) ? $file->focal_point : _focal_point_guess_default($file->fid);
    $focal_point_id = drupal_html_id('focal-point-media');
    $form['focal_point'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#prefix' => '<label>' . t('Focal Point') . '</label>',
      'indicator' => _focal_point_indicator($focal_point_id),
      'thumbnail' => array(
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#theme' => 'image_style',
        '#style_name' => 'focal_point_preview',
        '#path' => $file->uri,
        '#alt' => isset($file->alt) ? $file->alt : '',
        '#title' => isset($file->title) ? $file->title : '',
      'preview_link' => _focal_point_preview_link($file->fid, $focal_point_id, $file->focal_point),
      'focal_point' => _focal_point_field($focal_point_id, $default_value),
      'focal_point_help' => _focal_point_help(),

    // To prevent duplicate image previews from displaying we should go ahead
    // and limit access to the preview element. Media does this already in some
    // instances, but not all.
    $form['preview']['#access'] = FALSE;
    $form['#validate'][] = 'focal_point_form_validate';