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20 calls to flickr_request() in Flickr 7

flickr_favorites_getpubliclist in ./
Returns a list of favorite public photos for the given user.
flickr_galleries_getinfo in ./
Returns info about a given gallery.
flickr_galleries_getlist in ./
Returns the galleries curated by the specified user.
flickr_galleries_getphotos in ./
Returns a list of photos for a given gallery.
flickr_groups_getinfo in ./
Returns info about a given group.
flickr_people_findbyemail in ./
Return a user's NSID, given their email address.
flickr_people_findbyusername in ./
Return a user's NSID, given their username.
flickr_people_getinfo in ./
Get information about a user.
flickr_people_getpublicphotos in ./
Returns a list of public photos for the given user.
flickr_photosets_getinfo in ./
Gets information about a photoset.
flickr_photosets_getlist in ./
Returns the photosets belonging to the specified user.
flickr_photosets_getphotos in ./
Get the list of photos in a set.
flickr_photos_getinfo in ./
Get information about a photo.
flickr_photos_getsizes in ./
Returns the available sizes for a photo.
flickr_photos_search in ./
Return a list of photos matching some criteria.
flickr_places_findbylatlon in ./
Returns a place ID for a latitude and longitude.
flickr_set_load in sets/flickr_sets.module
Get the list of photos in a set.
flickr_tags_getlistuser in ./
Get the tag list for a given user.
flickr_tags_getlistuserpopular in ./
Get the popular tags for a given user.
flickr_urls_lookupuser in ./
Return a user's NSID, given their alias.