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function flickr_places_findbylatlon in Flickr 7

Returns a place ID for a latitude and longitude.


string $lat: Latitude from -90 to 90. Anything after 4 decimals will be truncated.

string $lon: Longitude from -90 to 90. Anything after 4 decimals will be truncated.

Return value

array $response Response from the flickr method flickr.places.findByLatLon. (

1 call to flickr_places_findbylatlon()
flickr_album in ./
Render multiple photos as an album.


./, line 473
Flickr API functions.


function flickr_places_findbylatlon($lat, $lon) {
  $args = array(
    'lat' => $lat,
    'lon' => $lon,
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.places.findByLatLon', $args);
  if ($response) {
    return $response;
  return FALSE;