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function flickr_photos_getsizes in Flickr 7

Returns the available sizes for a photo.


string $photo_id: ID of the photo to get the available sizes of.

Return value

array Response from the flickr method (

3 calls to flickr_photos_getsizes()
flickr_album in ./
Render multiple photos as an album.
flickr_filter_callback_photo in filter/flickr_filter.module
Filter callback for a photo.
flickr_img in ./
This function will try to create an html image tag referencing the Flickr photo with the desired size if that size is available for this photo.


./, line 38
Flickr API functions.


function flickr_photos_getsizes($photo_id) {
  $response = flickr_request('', array(
    'photo_id' => $photo_id,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['sizes']['size'];
  return FALSE;