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flickr_filter.module in Flickr 7

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  2. 6 filter/flickr_filter.module

The Flickr filter module.


View source

 * @file
 * The Flickr filter module.

// Load from the flickr_filter module.
module_load_include('inc', 'flickr_filter', 'flickr_filter.admin');

 * Implements hook_help().
function flickr_filter_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#flickr_filter':

      // Return a line-break version of the README.txt.
      return _filter_autop(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/README.txt'));

 * Implements hook_filter_info().
function flickr_filter_info() {
  $filters['flickr_filter'] = array(
    'title' => t('Flickr Filter'),
    'description' => t('Allows you to Insert Flickr images: [flickr-photo:id=7357144724,size=m], [flickr-photoset:id=72157634563269642,size=s,num=8,media=all,sort=random, count=false], [flickr-group:id=91484156@N00, size=q, num=8, tags=southsea, media=all, sort=random, count=false], [flickr-user:id=98518260@N02, size=q, num=8, tags=kids/men, media=all, sort=random, count=false] or [flickr-favorites:id=lolandese, size=q, num=8, tags=tomosborn/people, media=all, sort=random, count=false].'),
    'process callback' => 'flickr_filter',
    'tips callback' => 'flickr_filter_tips',
    'weight' => 9,
  return $filters;

 * Returns the filter information for the filter help page.
function flickr_filter_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  $autofloat = l(t('AutoFloat module'), '', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => t('AutoFloat |'),
      'target' => '_blank',
  $idgettr = l(t('Find a Flickr group ID.'), '', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => t('Use the URL of your group to find the Flickr ID.'),
      'target' => '_blank',
  $config = l(t('set in config'), 'admin/config/media/flickr/', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => t('Go to Flickr configuration page'),
  $dateformats = l(t('accepted date formats'), '', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => t('PHP: Date Formats - Manual'),
      'target' => '_blank',
  $relativeformats = l(t('relative formats'), '', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => t('PHP: Relative Formats - Manual'),
      'target' => '_blank',
  $count = variable_get('flickr_counter', 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
  $extend = variable_get('flickr_extend', 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
  $default_userid = variable_get('flickr_default_userid', '');
  $info = empty($default_userid) ? '' : flickr_people_getinfo(variable_get('flickr_default_userid', ''));
  $default_userid = empty($info) ? '[undefined]' : $info['username']['_content'];
  $output = t("Insert a <strong>Flickr photo</strong>. A working example:\n  <ul>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>photo</strong>:id=7357144724, size=m, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999] (accepts only the parameters <em>id, class, style, size, mintitle</em> and <em>minmetadata</em>)</li>\n  </ul>\n  To float single photos use [flickr-photo:id=9247386562, <strong>class=\"floatright\"</strong>], [flickr-photo:id=9247388074, <strong>style=\"float:left;\"</strong>] or use the !autofloat (recommended).<br /><br />\n  Insert a <strong>Flickr album</strong>. Working examples:\n  <ul>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>photoset</strong>:id=72157634563269642, size=s, num=8, tags=kids/men, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]</li>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>gallery</strong>:id=72157648989290536, size=q, num=4, sort=views]</li>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>group</strong>:id=91484156@N00, size=q, num=8, tags=flowers, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]</li>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>user</strong>:id=lolandese1, size=q, num=6, tags=kids/men, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]</li>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>user</strong>:id=public, size=q, num=10,tags=Augusto Canario, filter=interesting, sort=views, extend=true]</li>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>user</strong>:id=public, size=q, num=8,location=48.867556/2.364088, date=2015-01-11, filter=interesting, sort=views]</li>\n    <li>[flickr-<strong>favorites</strong>:id=lolandese, size=q, num=4, tags=tomosborn/people, media=all, sort=random, count=false, mintitle=999, minmetadata=999, heading=none]</li>\n  </ul><br />\n  Common sizes:<br />\n  <table style='width:100%'>\n    <tr>\n      <td>\n        s : small square 75<br />\n        t : thumbnail, 100 on longest side<br />\n        q : big square 150\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        m : small, 240 on longest side<br />\n        n : small, 320 on longest side<br />\n        - : medium, 500 on longest side\n      </td>\n      <td>\n        x: Responsive slideshow (for group, set and user IDs only)<br />\n        y: Basic responsive slideshow (for set and user IDs only)\n      </td>\n    </tr>\n  </table>\n  The 'c' size (800px) is missing on Flickr images uploaded before March 1, 2012. Photos with non existing sizes will be skipped in albums.<br /><br />\n  <strong>TIP</strong>: Not only the node body but also blocks make use of a text format. Build your own custom Flickr album block using the Flickr Filter syntax.<br /><br />\n  <strong>PARAMETER EXAMPLES</strong>. Omitting a parameter will result in the default value to be used.<br />\n  <strong>id=lolandese1</strong> : A photo, set, user or group ID. <strong>id=public</strong> grabs CC licensed public photos (only for <em>[flickr-user:...]</em>). <strong>Default: id=@default_userid</strong> (!config).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;!find_id Valid ID values: numeric ID (the one that contains a '@'), path alias, Flickr username or the user's email.<br />\n  <strong>class=\"floatleft foo bar\"</strong> : Syntax as in HTML. Wrap the value in quotes (or not) and put spaces between multiple classes.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Applies to the outer HTML element of a photo or album.<br />\n  <strong>style=\"float:left; border:solid 2px;\"</strong> : Syntax as in HTML. Wrap the value in quotes (or not) and put semicolons between different style declarations.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Applies to the outer HTML element of a photo or album.<br />\n  <strong>size=q</strong> : Big square (150px). The sizes x and y display a slideshow and ignore number, media, tags, location and sort settings.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Default single photo: size=@default_size, album photo: size=@default_size_album</strong> (both !config).<br />\n  <strong>num=4</strong> : Display 4 photos. <strong>Default: num=@default_number</strong> (!config). For albums only.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;If set to 1, the single image will behave as such. Heading and counter will be omitted, and float might apply.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Used to display a single changing random or recent image.<br />\n  <strong>media=all</strong> : Display both photos and videos. <strong>Default: media=photos</strong>. For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>tags=kids/men</strong> : <strong>Separate multiple tags with a slash (/).</strong> Display all set, group or user photos that contain the indicated tags.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Case insensitive, matches any tag, for photosets and galleries even partial. You can exclude results that match a term by prepending it with a - character.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Public albums will only display photos that match all tags. Like on Flickr spaces are removed from tags (e.g. 'Victoria park' becomes 'victoriapark').<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>extend=true</strong> : Extend the tag filter to search for matching terms also in the Flickr photo title and description besides Flickr tags.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Default: extend=@default_extend</strong> (!config). For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>tag_mode=all</strong> : Matches 'all' defined tags (AND). The other possible value is 'any' (OR).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;If this parameter is omitted, 'all' is used if no Flickr user ID is known (public search), otherwise 'any' is used. For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>location=48.85837/2.294481/0.2</strong> : Display photos within 200 mt from the Eiffel Tower. Lat/lon/radius (in km). Separate values with a slash (/).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;To get the coordinates for a location, right-click on a Google map and choose 'What's here?' or copy/paste it from the URL.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Substitute the comma (,) with a slash (/). Optionally add a radius to force a major number of results to filter on (max. 32 km).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;If the radius is omitted it defaults to 14 meter and gradually expands to 32 km until a sufficient number of results are returned.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Besides decimal coordinates also degrees are accepted, e.g. 2° 21' 50.72\". For user and group albums only, also public.<br />\n  <strong>date=2015-01-11</strong> : Display photos taken on 11 January 2015.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Many !dateformats (e.g. '11 Jan 2015'), also !relativeformats (e.g. 'first day of last month | last day of last month').<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Separate two date values with a vertical bar (|) to cover a timespan of multiple days. For user and group albums only, also public.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Tip</strong>: Use a date in combination with a location to grab public photos of an event.<br />\n  <strong>heading=h3</strong> : Wraps the album title in HTML tags. Use 'p' to apply no style or 'none' to suppress the title. <strong>Default heading=@default_heading</strong> (!config). For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>sort=views</strong> : Display the most viewed Flickr photos first (popularity, slower response after cache clear).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;Other values: <em>unsorted</em> = recent as delivered by the Flickr API (fastest response),<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>random</em> (slower response after cache clear), <em>taken</em> (newest first), <em>posted</em> (newest first) , <em>added</em> (for groups only, newest first) and <em>id</em> (on photo ID, newest first).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Default: sort=unsorted</strong>. For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>filter=interesting</strong> : Display the most interesting photos. Other possible value: <em>relevant</em>. For user and group albums only, also public.<br />\n  <strong>count=false</strong> : Suppress display of the counter under the album (e.g. <em>5 out of 124 on Flickr</em>). <strong>Default: count=@default_count</strong> (!config). For albums only.<br />\n  <strong>mintitle=999</strong> : Suppress display of the title in the photo captions for images below a width of 999 px. <strong>Default: mintitle=@default_mintitle</strong> (!config).<br />\n  <strong>minmetadata=999</strong> : Suppress display of the metadata in the photo captions for images below a width of 999 px. <strong>Default: minmetadata=@default_minmetadata</strong> (!config).", array(
    '!autofloat' => $autofloat,
    '!find_id' => $idgettr,
    '@default_userid' => $default_userid,
    '@default_size' => variable_get('flickr_filter_default_size', 'm'),
    '@default_size_album' => variable_get('flickr_default_size_album', 's'),
    '@default_limit' => variable_get('flickr_per_page', 100),
    '@default_number' => variable_get('flickr_photos_per_page', 6),
    '@default_mintitle' => variable_get('flickr_title_suppress_on_small', '100'),
    '@default_minmetadata' => variable_get('flickr_metadata_suppress_on_small', '150'),
    '@default_heading' => variable_get('flickr_filter_heading', 'p'),
    '@default_count' => $count,
    '@default_extend' => $extend,
    '!config' => $config,
    '!dateformats' => $dateformats,
    '!relativeformats' => $relativeformats,
  if ($long) {
    $output .= ' ' . t('The size parameter can be one of the following:');
    $items = array();
    foreach (flickr_photo_sizes() as $key => $text) {
      $items[] = "<code>{$key}</code> &mdash; (" . $text['label'] . ') ' . $text['description'];
    $output .= theme('item_list', array(
      'items' => $items,
  $toggle = l(t('expand / collapse'), '#', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'title' => t('Examples to embed Flickr images'),
  $options = array(
    'handle' => t('Flickr Filter options. !toggle', array(
      '!toggle' => $toggle,
    'content' => $output,
    'collapsed' => TRUE,
  $output = module_exists('ctools') && variable_get('flickr_filter_collapsible', 1) ? theme('ctools_collapsible', $options) : $output;
  return $output;

 * Processes the flickr filter.
function flickr_filter($text, $filter) {
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\[flickr-photo:(.+?)\\]/', 'flickr_filter_callback_photo', $text);
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\[flickr-photoset:(.+?)\\]/', 'flickr_filter_callback_album', $text);
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\[flickr-group:(.+?)\\]/', 'flickr_filter_callback_group', $text);
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\[flickr-gallery:(.+?)\\]/', 'flickr_filter_callback_gallery', $text);
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\[flickr-user:(.+?)\\]/', 'flickr_filter_callback_album', $text);
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/\\[flickr-favorites:(.+?)\\]/', 'flickr_filter_callback_favorites', $text);
  return $text;

 * Parse parameters to the fiter from a format like:
 * id=26159919@N00, size=m,num=9,class="something",style="float:left;border:1px"
 * into an associative array with two sub-arrays. The first sub-array are
 * parameters for the request, the second are HTML attributes (class and style).
function flickr_filter_split_config($string) {
  $config = array();
  $attribs = array();

  // Put each setting on its own line.
  $string = str_replace(',', "\n", $string);

  // Break them up around the equal sign (=).
  preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z_.]+)=([-@\\/0-9a-zA-Z :;_.\\|\\%"\'&°]+)/', $string, $parts, PREG_SET_ORDER);
  foreach ($parts as $part) {

    // Normalize to lowercase and remove extra spaces.
    $name = strtolower(trim($part[1]));
    $value = htmlspecialchars_decode(trim($part[2]));

    // Remove undesired but tolerated characters from the value.
    $value = str_replace(str_split('"\''), '', $value);
    if ($name == 'style' || $name == 'class') {
      $attribs[$name] = $value;
    else {
      $config[$name] = $value;
  return array(

 * Filter callback for a photo.
function flickr_filter_callback_photo($matches) {
  list($config, $attribs) = flickr_filter_split_config($matches[1]);
  if (isset($config['id'])) {
    if ($photo = flickr_photos_getinfo($config['id'])) {
      if (!isset($config['size'])) {
        $config['size'] = variable_get('flickr_filter_default_size', 'm');
      if (!isset($config['mintitle'])) {
        $config['mintitle'] = variable_get('flickr_title_suppress_on_small', '100');
      if (!isset($config['minmetadata'])) {
        $config['minmetadata'] = variable_get('flickr_metadata_suppress_on_small', '150');
      switch ($config['size']) {
        case "x":
        case "y":
          drupal_set_message(t("Do not use a slideshow for a single image."), 'error');
          $config['size'] = variable_get('flickr_filter_default_size', 'm');
      $sizes = flickr_photo_sizes();
      if (flickr_in_array_r($sizes[$config['size']]['label'], flickr_photos_getsizes($photo['id']))) {
        return theme('flickr_photo', array(
          'photo' => $photo,
          'size' => $config['size'],
          'attribs' => $attribs,
          'min_title' => $config['mintitle'],
          'min_metadata' => $config['minmetadata'],
      else {

        // Generate an "empty" image of the requested size containing a message.
        $string = $sizes[$config['size']]['description'];
        preg_match("/\\d*px/", $string, $matches);
        return '<span class="flickr-wrap" style="width: ' . $matches[0] . '; height: ' . $matches[0] . '; border:solid 1px;"><span class="flickr-empty">' . t('The requested image size is not available for this photo on Flickr (uploaded when this size was not offered yet). Try another size or re-upload this photo on Flickr.') . '</span></span>';
  return '';

 * Filter callback for a user or set.
function flickr_filter_callback_album($matches) {
  list($config, $attribs) = flickr_filter_split_config($matches[1]);
  if (!isset($config['id']) || $config['id'] == 'public') {
    $default_userid = variable_get('flickr_default_userid', '');
    $config['id'] = !isset($config['id']) ? $default_userid : $config['id'];
    $config['id'] = !empty($default_userid) && $config['id'] != 'public' ? $default_userid : '39873962@N08';
  if (!isset($attribs['class'])) {
    $attribs['class'] = NULL;
  if (!isset($attribs['style'])) {
    $attribs['style'] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['size'])) {
    $config['size'] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['num'])) {
    $config['num'] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['media'])) {
    $config['media'] = 'photos';
  if (!isset($config['heading'])) {
    $config['heading'] = variable_get('flickr_filter_heading', 'p');
  if (!isset($config['tags'])) {
    $config['tags'] = '';
  else {
    $config['tags'] = str_replace("/", ",", $config['tags']);
  if (!isset($config['location'])) {
    $config['location'][0] = NULL;
    $config['location'][1] = NULL;
    $config['location'][2] = NULL;
  else {
    $config['location'] = explode("/", $config['location']);
    if (!isset($config['location'][2])) {
      $config['location'][2] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['date'])) {
    $config['date'][0] = NULL;
    $config['date'][1] = NULL;
  else {
    $config['date'] = explode("|", $config['date']);
    if (!isset($config['date'][1])) {
      $config['date'][1] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['count'])) {
    $config['count'] = variable_get('flickr_counter', 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
  if (!isset($config['extend'])) {
    $config['extend'] = variable_get('flickr_extend', 1);
  else {
    $config['extend'] = $config['extend'] == 'false' ? 0 : 1;
  if (!isset($config['tag_mode'])) {
    $config['tag_mode'] = 'context';
  if (!isset($config['mintitle'])) {
    $config['mintitle'] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['minmetadata'])) {
    $config['minmetadata'] = NULL;
  if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
    $config['filter'] = NULL;
  switch ($config['filter']) {
    case 'interesting':
      $config['filter'] = 'interestingness-desc';
    case 'relevant':
      $config['filter'] = 'relevance';
  if (!isset($config['sort'])) {
    $config['sort'] = 'unsorted';
  switch ($config['sort']) {
    case 'taken':
      $config['sort'] = 'date-taken-desc';
    case 'posted':
      $config['sort'] = 'date-posted-desc';
  $type = flickr_get_id_type($config['id']);
  $config['id'] = $type == 'user' ? flickr_user_find_by_identifier($config['id']) : $config['id'];
  $output = flickr_album($type, $config['id'], $config['num'], $config['size'], $config['media'], $config['tags'], '', $config['count'], $config['sort'], $config['heading'], $config['mintitle'], $config['minmetadata'], 0, $config['filter'], $config['location'][0], $config['location'][1], $config['location'][2], $config['date'][0], $config['date'][1], $config['extend'], $config['tag_mode'], $attribs['class'], $attribs['style']);
  return $output;

 * Filter callback for a group.
function flickr_filter_callback_group($matches) {
  list($config, $attribs) = flickr_filter_split_config($matches[1]);
  if (isset($config['id'])) {
    if (!isset($attribs['class'])) {
      $attribs['class'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($attribs['style'])) {
      $attribs['style'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['size'])) {
      $config['size'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['num'])) {
      $config['num'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['media'])) {
      $config['media'] = 'photos';
    if (!isset($config['sort'])) {
      $config['sort'] = 'unsorted';
    if (!isset($config['heading'])) {
      $config['heading'] = variable_get('flickr_filter_heading', 'p');
    if (!isset($config['tags'])) {
      $config['tags'] = '';
    else {
      $config['tags'] = str_replace("/", ",", $config['tags']);
    if (!isset($config['count'])) {
      $config['count'] = variable_get('flickr_counter', 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
    if (!isset($config['mintitle'])) {
      $config['mintitle'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['minmetadata'])) {
      $config['minmetadata'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
      $config['filter'] = NULL;
    switch ($config['filter']) {
      case 'interesting':
        $config['filter'] = 'interestingness-desc';
      case 'relevant':
        $config['filter'] = 'relevance';
    if (!isset($config['location'])) {
      $config['location'][0] = NULL;
      $config['location'][1] = NULL;
      $config['location'][2] = NULL;
    else {
      $config['location'] = explode("/", $config['location']);
      if (!isset($config['location'][2])) {
        $config['location'][2] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['date'])) {
      $config['date'][0] = NULL;
      $config['date'][1] = NULL;
    else {
      $config['date'] = explode("|", $config['date']);
      if (!isset($config['date'][1])) {
        $config['date'][1] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['extend'])) {
      $config['extend'] = variable_get('flickr_extend', 1);
    else {
      $config['extend'] = $config['extend'] == 'false' ? 0 : 1;
    if (!isset($config['tag_mode'])) {
      $config['tag_mode'] = 'context';
    switch ($config['sort']) {
      case 'taken':
        $config['sort'] = 'date-taken-desc';
      case 'posted':
        $config['sort'] = 'date-posted-desc';
    $output = flickr_album('group', $config['id'], $config['num'], $config['size'], $config['media'], $config['tags'], '', $config['count'], $config['sort'], $config['heading'], $config['mintitle'], $config['minmetadata'], 0, $config['filter'], $config['location'][0], $config['location'][1], $config['location'][2], $config['date'][0], $config['date'][1], $config['extend'], $config['tag_mode'], $attribs['class'], $attribs['style']);
    return $output;
  return 'Specify a Flickr group ID (number@number or path alias).';

 * Filter callback for a gallery.
function flickr_filter_callback_gallery($matches) {
  list($config, $attribs) = flickr_filter_split_config($matches[1]);
  if (isset($config['id'])) {
    if (!isset($attribs['class'])) {
      $attribs['class'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($attribs['style'])) {
      $attribs['style'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['size'])) {
      $config['size'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['num'])) {
      $config['num'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['media'])) {
      $config['media'] = 'photos';
    if (!isset($config['sort'])) {
      $config['sort'] = 'unsorted';
    if (!isset($config['heading'])) {
      $config['heading'] = variable_get('flickr_filter_heading', 'p');
    if (!isset($config['tags'])) {
      $config['tags'] = '';
    else {
      $config['tags'] = str_replace("/", ",", $config['tags']);
    if (!isset($config['count'])) {
      $config['count'] = variable_get('flickr_counter', 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
    if (!isset($config['mintitle'])) {
      $config['mintitle'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['minmetadata'])) {
      $config['minmetadata'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
      $config['filter'] = NULL;
    switch ($config['filter']) {
      case 'interesting':
        $config['filter'] = 'interestingness-desc';
      case 'relevant':
        $config['filter'] = 'relevance';
    if (!isset($config['location'])) {
      $config['location'][0] = NULL;
      $config['location'][1] = NULL;
      $config['location'][2] = NULL;
    else {
      $config['location'] = explode("/", $config['location']);
      if (!isset($config['location'][2])) {
        $config['location'][2] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['date'])) {
      $config['date'][0] = NULL;
      $config['date'][1] = NULL;
    else {
      $config['date'] = explode("|", $config['date']);
      if (!isset($config['date'][1])) {
        $config['date'][1] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['extend'])) {
      $config['extend'] = variable_get('flickr_extend', 1);
    else {
      $config['extend'] = $config['extend'] == 'false' ? 0 : 1;
    if (!isset($config['tag_mode'])) {
      $config['tag_mode'] = 'context';
    switch ($config['sort']) {
      case 'taken':
        $config['sort'] = 'date-taken-desc';
      case 'posted':
        $config['sort'] = 'date-posted-desc';
    $output = flickr_album('gallery', $config['id'], $config['num'], $config['size'], $config['media'], $config['tags'], '', $config['count'], $config['sort'], $config['heading'], $config['mintitle'], $config['minmetadata'], 0, $config['filter'], $config['location'][0], $config['location'][1], $config['location'][2], $config['date'][0], $config['date'][1], $config['extend'], $config['tag_mode'], $attribs['class'], $attribs['style']);
    return $output;
  return 'Specify a Flickr gallery ID (very long, numbers only).';

 * Filter callback for a user's favorites.
function flickr_filter_callback_favorites($matches) {
  list($config, $attribs) = flickr_filter_split_config($matches[1]);
  if (!isset($config['id'])) {
    $default_userid = variable_get('flickr_default_userid', '');
    $config['id'] = !empty($default_userid) ? $default_userid : NULL;
  if (isset($config['id'])) {
    if (!isset($attribs['class'])) {
      $attribs['class'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($attribs['style'])) {
      $attribs['style'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['size'])) {
      $config['size'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['num'])) {
      $config['num'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['media'])) {
      $config['media'] = 'photos';
    if (!isset($config['sort'])) {
      $config['sort'] = 'unsorted';
    if (!isset($config['heading'])) {
      $config['heading'] = variable_get('flickr_filter_heading', 'p');
    if (!isset($config['tags'])) {
      $config['tags'] = '';
    else {
      $config['tags'] = str_replace("/", ",", $config['tags']);
    if (!isset($config['count'])) {
      $config['count'] = variable_get('flickr_counter', 1) ? 'true' : 'false';
    if (!isset($config['mintitle'])) {
      $config['mintitle'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['minmetadata'])) {
      $config['minmetadata'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['filter'])) {
      $config['filter'] = NULL;
    switch ($config['filter']) {
      case 'interesting':
        $config['filter'] = 'interestingness-desc';
      case 'relevant':
        $config['filter'] = 'relevance';
    if (!isset($config['location'])) {
      $config['location'][0] = NULL;
      $config['location'][1] = NULL;
      $config['location'][2] = NULL;
    else {
      $config['location'] = explode("/", $config['location']);
      if (!isset($config['location'][2])) {
        $config['location'][2] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['date'])) {
      $config['date'][0] = NULL;
      $config['date'][1] = NULL;
    else {
      $config['date'] = explode("|", $config['date']);
      if (!isset($config['date'][1])) {
        $config['date'][1] = NULL;
    if (!isset($config['extend'])) {
      $config['extend'] = variable_get('flickr_extend', 1);
    else {
      $config['extend'] = $config['extend'] == 'false' ? 0 : 1;
    if (!isset($config['tag_mode'])) {
      $config['tag_mode'] = 'context';

    // Choose between 'recent' or 'random' based on 'random' parameter.
    // Note that we abuse the $delta parameter pass the random value to override
    // the default of the counter display.
    $type = flickr_get_id_type($config['id']);
    $config['id'] = $type == 'user' ? flickr_user_find_by_identifier($config['id']) : $config['id'];
    $output = flickr_album('favorites', $config['id'], $config['num'], $config['size'], $config['media'], $config['tags'], '', $config['count'], $config['sort'], $config['heading'], $config['mintitle'], $config['minmetadata'], 0, $config['filter'], $config['location'][0], $config['location'][1], $config['location'][2], $config['date'][0], $config['date'][1], $config['extend'], $config['tag_mode'], $attribs['class'], $attribs['style']);
    return $output;
  return 'Specify a Flickr user ID (number@number, path alias, username or the user\'s email).';


Namesort descending Description
flickr_filter Processes the flickr filter.
flickr_filter_callback_album Filter callback for a user or set.
flickr_filter_callback_favorites Filter callback for a user's favorites.
flickr_filter_callback_gallery Filter callback for a gallery.
flickr_filter_callback_group Filter callback for a group.
flickr_filter_callback_photo Filter callback for a photo.
flickr_filter_help Implements hook_help().
flickr_filter_info Implements hook_filter_info().
flickr_filter_split_config Parse parameters to the fiter from a format like: id=26159919@N00, size=m,num=9,class="something",style="float:left;border:1px" into an associative array with two sub-arrays. The first sub-array are parameters for the request, the…
flickr_filter_tips Returns the filter information for the filter help page.