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function flickr_favorites_get_public_list in Flickr 6

Returns a list of favorite public photos for the given user.


string $nsid: NSID of the user whose photoset tags will be returned.

string $page: Page of results to return.

Return value

array response from the flickr method flickr.favorites.getPublicList (

1 call to flickr_favorites_get_public_list()
_flickr_block_favorite_public in block/flickr_block.module
Favorites block.


./, line 85


function flickr_favorites_get_public_list($nsid, $page = 1, $other_args = array()) {
  $args = array(
    'user_id' => $nsid,
    'page' => $page,

  // Set per_page to flickr module default if not specified in $other_args.
  if (!isset($other_args['per_page'])) {
    $args['per_page'] = variable_get('flickr_photos_per_page', 20);
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.favorites.getPublicList', array_merge($args, $other_args));
  if ($response) {
    return $response['photos'];
  return FALSE;