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Files in Flickr 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
flickr.css flickr.css .flickr-photo-img { vertical-align: text-bottom; } .flickr-photo-box { padding: 10px; float: left; text-align: center; width: 260px; height: 260px; } .flickr-photoset-img { vertical-align: text-bottom; } .flickr-photoset-box { … name = Flickr description = Embeds images hosted on Flickr with a link to the corresponding Flickr page. package = Flickr core = 6.x
flickr.install flickr.install
flickr.module flickr.module field/ name = Flickr Field description = A Flickr CCK field to add Flickr images or sets to content. dependencies[] = flickr dependencies[] = content package = Flickr core = 6.x
flickrfield.install field/flickrfield.install
flickrfield.module field/flickrfield.module Defines a Flickr field type. block/ name = Flickr Block description = Display Flickr images in blocks to show recent or random images from a user, set or group. dependencies[] = flickr package = Flickr core = 6.x
flickr_block.install block/flickr_block.install
flickr_block.module block/flickr_block.module filter/ name = Flickr Filter description = An input filter to insert Flickr photos and sets into content. dependencies[] = flickr package = Flickr core = 6.x
flickr_filter.install filter/flickr_filter.install The Flickr Filter uninstall hook
flickr_filter.module filter/flickr_filter.module sets/ name = Flickr Sets description = Add photoset capability to Flickr module dependencies[] = flickr package = Flickr core = 6.x
flickr_sets.module sets/flickr_sets.module
flickr_tags.css tags/flickr_tags.css ul#flickr_taglist ul { padding: 0em; } ul#flickr_taglist ul li { display:inline; padding: 0em; margin: 0em 1em 0em 0em; background: transparent none no-repeat fixed top; } ul#flickr_tagcloud { list-style: none; line-height:… tags/ name = Flickr Tags description = Adds tags capability to Flickr module dependencies[] = flickr package = Flickr core = 6.x
flickr_tags.module tags/flickr_tags.module
README.txt README.txt NAME ==== Flickr Project page at REQUIREMENTS ============ This module requires Drupal 6.X and a Flickr API key. OVERVIEW ======== The Flickr module embeds images hosted on Flickr with a link to the corresponding…
README.txt filter/README.txt NAME ==== Flickr Filter Part of the Flickr module. Project page at OVERVIEW ======== Include single Flickr images or sets into the node body using only the Flickr ID and optionally a size parameter. FILTER…
README.txt block/README.txt NAME ==== Flickr Block Part of the Flickr module. Project page at OVERVIEW ======== Flickr images in blocks to show for example recent or random images from a specific user, set or group. - Configure the size, media…
README.txt field/README.txt NAME ==== Flickr Field Part of the Flickr module. Project page at OVERVIEW ======== Add Flickr images or sets to content as fields: - can be added to entities, usually nodes - have several formatting options to use…

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