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README.txt in Flickr 6

Same filename in this branch
  1. 6 README.txt
  2. 6 filter/README.txt
  3. 6 block/README.txt
  4. 6 field/README.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 README.txt
Project page at

This module requires Drupal 6.X and a Flickr API key.

The Flickr module embeds images hosted on Flickr with a link to the
corresponding Flickr page.

- Flickr images can be displayed in blocks, within content or as fields.
- Open Flickr photos in Colorbox, Lightbox or alike.
- Image caption with the Flickr title, date taken, where  and by who.
- Show the longer Flickr description on hover if it exists.

1.) Extract the download package in the '/sites/all/modules' directory.
2.) Enable the module in 'admin/build/modules'.
3.) Configure the API Key and settings at '/admin/settings/flickr'.
4.) Allow permissions '/admin/user/permissions'.

Settings are found at '/admin/config/media/flickr'. After changing many of the
settings below, it is often required to CLEAR THE SITE CACHE to have the changes
to take effect on existing content at '/admin/settings/performance'.

Get an API Key at

API Shared Secret
Default Flickr User ID
To use if in the block configuration no user is specified. Must be a valid
Flickr User ID, username or email address. Emails or usernames (that might
change at any given time) are internally (in the variable) replaced with a
stable NSID (Flickr ID number). These are rendered in admin forms (settings or
block config) as Flickr usernames. 'Maria Emanuela' is human readable,
'43937662@N05' is not. Internal the module still uses the Flickr ID number as it
is more reliable.

Update interval
The refresh interval how often to check if cached Flickr API calls are up to
date. Defaults to 1 hour.

Number of photos per photoset
Defaults to 20.

Default size
Only if the submodule Flickr Filter is enabled.
A default Flickr size to use. This will be used when no size is specified, for
example [flickr-photo:id=3711935987]. TAKE CARE, n (320px) and c (800px) sizes
are missing on many "older" Flickr images!
Defaults to m: 240 px on longest side.

Use flickr.css
Uncheck to take care of the styling yourself in custom CSS.
Selected by default.

FLICKR INFO TO USE (field group)
Minimum width to display a title caption
Small images have little space for a title caption. Replaces it with the text
"Flickr" that links to the photo page on Flickr to comply with their Guidelines.
Defaults to 100 px. Set it to 0 px to always include or 999 px to always

Minimum image width to display date, location and photographer under the caption
Suppress extra info on small images. After saving the configuration clear the
Defaults to 150 px. Set it to 0 px to always include or 999 px to always
Adds date, location and photographer info to the caption on images of a certain
width. The date is in the form of 'time ago'. The photographer's Real Name is
used, if not available the Username. In the caption it links to the user page on

Info to include when enlarging the image in Colorbox, Lightbox or alike
Usually this info is displayed under the enlarged image.
Checkboxes (multiple options can be selected).
- Title
- Date, location and photographer
- Description
All selected by default. This info is concatenated with '-' separators and added
as the link 'title' attribute. HTML is stripped, double quotes are removed (it
goes into the title="[description]" attribute) and special characters are
decoded (© turns into ©). If the title and description are identical, only
the title is used.

As a side note: The description is always included as the image 'title'
attribute (shows on hover). If the description is not available the title will
be used.

Colorbox, Lightbox (use the dev version) or alike.
Leave these fields empty to link directly to the Flickr photo page instead of
opening the bigger version of the image. It also omits the caption in that case.
This is only done to not alter the behaviour on previous installs of the Flickr
module. The best way of giving attribution is by using a full version of the
caption (default settings).

Use 'colorbox' if you are using Colorbox. (
With Lightbox you can leave it empty. (

Use 'gallery-all' if you are using Colorbox. It can be anything you want,
really. As long there is something.
Use 'lightbox[gallery]' if you are using Lightbox2. The part inside the square
brackets can be anything you want but must be one word without spaces.

NOTE: With Lightbox if you select an 'Automatic image handling' for Flickr
images, you override the behaviour set here. If you don't want that, leave it
'Disabled'. (/admin/settings/lightbox2/automatic)

Image size to open
The image size to open in the overlay browser when clicking the image. Larger
sizes make navigating to next and previous pictures slower. TAKE CARE, n (320px)
and c (800px) sizes are missing on many "older" Flickr images!
Defaults to -: 500 px on longest side.

The flickr module uses XML-RPC to connect to Flickr's API and retrieve photo
information. Flickr API Documentation:


View source
  1. NAME
  2. ====
  3. Flickr
  4. Project page at
  6. ============
  7. This module requires Drupal 6.X and a Flickr API key.
  9. ========
  10. The Flickr module embeds images hosted on Flickr with a link to the
  11. corresponding Flickr page.
  12. - Flickr images can be displayed in blocks, within content or as fields.
  13. - Open Flickr photos in Colorbox, Lightbox or alike.
  14. - Image caption with the Flickr title, date taken, where and by who.
  15. - Show the longer Flickr description on hover if it exists.
  17. ==============================
  18. 1.) Extract the download package in the '/sites/all/modules' directory.
  19. 2.) Enable the module in 'admin/build/modules'.
  20. 3.) Configure the API Key and settings at '/admin/settings/flickr'.
  21. 4.) Allow permissions '/admin/user/permissions'.
  23. ========
  24. Settings are found at '/admin/config/media/flickr'. After changing many of the
  25. settings below, it is often required to CLEAR THE SITE CACHE to have the changes
  26. to take effect on existing content at '/admin/settings/performance'.
  27. API Key
  28. -------
  29. Get an API Key at
  30. API Shared Secret
  31. -----------------
  32. Default Flickr User ID
  33. To use if in the block configuration no user is specified. Must be a valid
  34. Flickr User ID, username or email address. Emails or usernames (that might
  35. change at any given time) are internally (in the variable) replaced with a
  36. stable NSID (Flickr ID number). These are rendered in admin forms (settings or
  37. block config) as Flickr usernames. 'Maria Emanuela' is human readable,
  38. '43937662@N05' is not. Internal the module still uses the Flickr ID number as it
  39. is more reliable.
  40. Update interval
  41. ---------------
  42. The refresh interval how often to check if cached Flickr API calls are up to
  43. date. Defaults to 1 hour.
  44. Number of photos per photoset
  45. -----------------------------
  46. Defaults to 20.
  47. Default size
  48. ------------
  49. Only if the submodule Flickr Filter is enabled.
  50. A default Flickr size to use. This will be used when no size is specified, for
  51. example [flickr-photo:id=3711935987]. TAKE CARE, n (320px) and c (800px) sizes
  52. are missing on many "older" Flickr images!
  53. Defaults to m: 240 px on longest side.
  54. Use flickr.css
  55. --------------
  56. Uncheck to take care of the styling yourself in custom CSS.
  57. Selected by default.
  58. FLICKR INFO TO USE (field group)
  59. --------------------------------
  60. Minimum width to display a title caption
  61. ----------------------------------------
  62. Small images have little space for a title caption. Replaces it with the text
  63. "Flickr" that links to the photo page on Flickr to comply with their Guidelines.
  64. Defaults to 100 px. Set it to 0 px to always include or 999 px to always
  65. exclude.
  66. Minimum image width to display date, location and photographer under the caption
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. Suppress extra info on small images. After saving the configuration clear the
  69. cache.
  70. Defaults to 150 px. Set it to 0 px to always include or 999 px to always
  71. exclude.
  72. Adds date, location and photographer info to the caption on images of a certain
  73. width. The date is in the form of 'time ago'. The photographer's Real Name is
  74. used, if not available the Username. In the caption it links to the user page on
  75. Flickr.
  76. Info to include when enlarging the image in Colorbox, Lightbox or alike
  77. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. Usually this info is displayed under the enlarged image.
  79. Checkboxes (multiple options can be selected).
  80. - Title
  81. - Date, location and photographer
  82. - Description
  83. All selected by default. This info is concatenated with '-' separators and added
  84. as the link 'title' attribute. HTML is stripped, double quotes are removed (it
  85. goes into the title="[description]" attribute) and special characters are
  86. decoded (© turns into ©). If the title and description are identical, only
  87. the title is used.
  88. As a side note: The description is always included as the image 'title'
  89. attribute (shows on hover). If the description is not available the title will
  90. be used.
  91. OVERLAY BROWSER SETTINGS (field group)
  92. --------------------------------------
  93. Colorbox, Lightbox (use the dev version) or alike.
  94. Leave these fields empty to link directly to the Flickr photo page instead of
  95. opening the bigger version of the image. It also omits the caption in that case.
  96. This is only done to not alter the behaviour on previous installs of the Flickr
  97. module. The best way of giving attribution is by using a full version of the
  98. caption (default settings).
  99. class
  100. -----
  101. Use 'colorbox' if you are using Colorbox. (
  102. With Lightbox you can leave it empty. (
  103. rel
  104. ---
  105. Use 'gallery-all' if you are using Colorbox. It can be anything you want,
  106. really. As long there is something.
  107. Use 'lightbox[gallery]' if you are using Lightbox2. The part inside the square
  108. brackets can be anything you want but must be one word without spaces.
  109. NOTE: With Lightbox if you select an 'Automatic image handling' for Flickr
  110. images, you override the behaviour set here. If you don't want that, leave it
  111. 'Disabled'. (/admin/settings/lightbox2/automatic)
  112. Image size to open
  113. ------------------
  114. The image size to open in the overlay browser when clicking the image. Larger
  115. sizes make navigating to next and previous pictures slower. TAKE CARE, n (320px)
  116. and c (800px) sizes are missing on many "older" Flickr images!
  117. Defaults to -: 500 px on longest side.
  118. MORE INFO
  119. =========
  120. The flickr module uses XML-RPC to connect to Flickr's API and retrieve photo
  121. information. Flickr API Documentation: