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function theme_flickrfield in Flickr 6

Theme for the form element.

The form is already rendered by the child elements by the time it comes back here, just group each delta grouping into its own fieldset.


field/flickrfield.module, line 628
Defines a Flickr field type.


function theme_flickrfield($element) {
  $fields = content_fields();
  $field = $fields[$element['#field_name']];
  $fieldset = array(
    '#title' => $field['widget']['label'] . ' ' . ($element['#delta'] > 0 ? intval($element['#delta'] + 1) : ''),
    '#value' => $element['#children'],
    '#collapsible' => FALSE,
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
    '#description' => $element['#description'],
    '#attributes' => array(),
  return theme('fieldset', $fieldset);