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flag_hook_test.module in Flag 7.3

flag_hook_test.module Test module for the hooks that Flag invokes.


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 * @file flag_hook_test.module
 * Test module for the hooks that Flag invokes.

 * Store the hook name and parameters into a variable for retrieval by the test.
 * Hook implementations should call this with their hook name and parameters.
 * @param string $hook_name
 *  The name of the hook invoked.
 * @param array $function_parameters
 *  The array of parameters the hook received.
 * @param $flagging
 *  (optional) The flagging entity that the hook received. If this is given,
 *  then various flag API functions have their data set into the tracking
 *  variable for verification by the test case.
function _flag_hook_test_record_invocation($hook_name, $function_parameters, $flagging = NULL) {
  $variable = variable_get('flag_hook_test_hook_tracking', array());
  $variable[$hook_name] = array();
  $variable[$hook_name]['parameters'] = $function_parameters;

  // If a Flagging entity was passed in, call API functions and store their data
  // for the test case to check.
  if (isset($flagging)) {
    $flag = flag_get_flag(NULL, $flagging->fid);
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls'] = array();
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls']['flag_get_entity_flags'] = flag_get_entity_flags('node', $flagging->entity_id, $flag->name);
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls']['flag_get_user_flags'] = flag_get_user_flags('node', $flagging->entity_id, $flagging->uid);
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls']['flag_get_counts'] = flag_get_counts('node', $flagging->entity_id);
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls']['flag_get_flag_counts'] = flag_get_flag_counts($flag->name);
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls']['flag_get_entity_flag_counts'] = flag_get_entity_flag_counts($flag, 'node');
    $account = user_load($flagging->uid);
    $variable[$hook_name]['api_calls']['flag_get_user_flag_counts'] = flag_get_user_flag_counts($flag, $account);
  variable_set('flag_hook_test_hook_tracking', $variable);

 * Implements hook_flag_flag().
function flag_hook_test_flag_flag($flag, $entity_id, $account, $flagging) {
  _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('hook_flag_flag', func_get_args(), $flagging);

 * Implements hook_flag_unflag().
function flag_hook_test_flag_unflag($flag, $entity_id, $account, $flagging) {
  _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('hook_flag_unflag', func_get_args(), $flagging);

 * Implements hook_entity_presave().
function flag_hook_test_entity_presave($entity, $type) {
  if ($type == 'flagging') {
    _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('hook_entity_presave', func_get_args(), $entity);

 * Implements hook_entity_insert().
function flag_hook_test_entity_insert($entity, $type) {
  if ($type == 'flagging') {
    _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('hook_entity_insert', func_get_args(), $entity);

 * Implements hook_entity_update().
function flag_hook_test_entity_update($entity, $type) {
  if ($type == 'flagging') {
    _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('hook_entity_update', func_get_args(), $entity);

 * Implements hook_entity_delete().
function flag_hook_test_entity_delete($entity, $type) {
  if ($type == 'flagging') {
    _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('hook_entity_delete', func_get_args(), $entity);

// ========================================================= Configuration

 * Implements hook_flag_default_flags().
function flag_hook_test_flag_default_flags() {
  $flags = array();
  $flags['flag_hook_test_flag'] = array(
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'title' => 'Test Flag',
    'global' => FALSE,
    'types' => array(
      0 => 'article',
    'flag_short' => 'Flag this',
    'flag_long' => 'Flag this post',
    'flag_message' => 'This post has been flagged',
    'unflag_short' => 'Unflag this',
    'unflag_long' => 'Remove this post from your flagged items',
    'unflag_message' => 'This post has been unflagged',
    'unflag_denied_text' => 'You may not unflag this item',
    'link_type' => 'normal',
    'weight' => 0,
    'show_in_links' => array(
      'full' => TRUE,
      'teaser' => TRUE,
    'show_as_field' => FALSE,
    'show_on_form' => FALSE,
    'access_author' => '',
    'show_contextual_link' => TRUE,
    'show_on_profile' => FALSE,
    'access_uid' => '',
    'api_version' => 3,
  return $flags;

 * Implements hook_rules_action_info().
function flag_hook_test_rules_action_info() {
  return array(
    'flag_test_action' => array(
      'label' => t('Flag test action'),
      'group' => t('Flag test'),

 * Test action for flagging.
function flag_test_action() {
  _flag_hook_test_record_invocation('rules_event', func_get_args());

 * Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().
function flag_hook_test_default_rules_configuration() {
  $configs['flag_test_rule_flag'] = rules_import('{ "flag_test_rule" : {
      "LABEL" : "Flag test rule",
      "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
      "OWNER" : "rules",
      "REQUIRES" : [ "flag_hook_test", "flag" ],
      "ON" : { "flag_flagged_flag_hook_test_flag" : [] },
      "DO" : [ { "flag_test_action" : [] } ]
  $configs['flag_test_rule_unflag'] = rules_import('{ "flag_test_rule" : {
      "LABEL" : "Flag test rule",
      "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
      "OWNER" : "rules",
      "REQUIRES" : [ "flag_hook_test", "flag" ],
      "ON" : { "flag_unflagged_flag_hook_test_flag" : [] },
      "DO" : [ { "flag_test_action" : [] } ]
  return $configs;