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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Flag 7.3

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
FlagAccessFormTestCase class tests/flag.test Access to flags using the entity forms.
FlagAccessLinkTestCase class tests/flag.test Access to flags using the basic flag link.
FlagAdminTestCase class tests/flag.test Test Flag admin UI.
FlagCommentOptimizationTestCase class tests/flag.test Verifies the optimization for comment viewing.
FlagCookieStorage abstract class includes/ Utility class to handle cookies. 2
FlagEntityFieldQueryTestCase class tests/flag.test Test use of EntityFieldQueries with flagging entities.
FlagEntityTokensTestCase class tests/flag.test Tokens we provide on generic entities.
FlagFlaggingCRUDTestCase class tests/flag.test Test CRUD operations on Flagging entities.
FlagFlaggingFieldTestCase class tests/flag.test Test use of fields on flagging entities.
FlaggingController class includes/ Controller class for flaggings.
FlagGlobalCookieStorage class includes/ Storage handler for global flags.
FlagHookFlagAccessTestCase class tests/flag.test Verifies the implementation of hook_flag_access().
FlagHookInvocationsTestCase class tests/flag.test Verifies the invocation of hooks when performing flagging and unflagging.
FlagLinkTypeConfirmTestCase class tests/flag.test Test the 'confirm form' link type.
FlagNonGlobalCookieStorage class includes/ Storage handler for non-global flags.
FlagRulesDataWrapper class ./ A custom wrapper class for flags to be used with Rules.
FlagRulesUIClass class ./ UI for inputing flags.
FlagTestCaseBase abstract class tests/flag.test Base class for our tests with common methods. 10
FlagUpdate_2 class includes/ Flag update class for API 1 flags -> API 2.
FlagUpdate_3 class includes/ Flag update class for API 2 flags -> API 3.
flag_bookmark_plugin_validate_user class flag_bookmark/plugins/ Validates whether an argument is a valid UID.
flag_broken class includes/flag/ A dummy flag to be used where the real implementation can't be found.
flag_comment class includes/flag/ Implements a comment flag.
flag_entity class includes/flag/ Base entity flag handler. 3
flag_flag class includes/flag/ This abstract class represents a flag, or, in Views 2 terminology, "a handler". 2
flag_handler_argument_entity_id class includes/views/ Handler to accept an argument of the content ID of any object.
flag_handler_field_flagged class includes/views/ Views field handler for the flagged field.
flag_handler_field_ops class includes/views/ Views field handler for the Flag operations links (flag/unflag).
flag_handler_filter_flagged class includes/views/ Handler to filter for content that has not been flagged.
flag_handler_relationship abstract class includes/views/ Base class for all our relationship classes. 3
flag_handler_relationship_content class includes/views/ Views relationship handler associating flags and content.
flag_handler_relationship_counts class includes/views/ Views relationship handler associating flag counts and content.
flag_handler_relationship_user_content class includes/views/ Views relationship handler associating flags and users.
flag_handler_sort_flagged class includes/views/ Handler to sort on whether objects are flagged or not.
flag_node class includes/flag/ Implements a node flag.
flag_plugin_argument_validate_flaggability class includes/views/ Validates whether an argument is a flaggable/flagged object.
flag_user class includes/flag/ Implements a user flag.

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