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Functions in Fivestar 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fivestar_add_css ./fivestar.module Fetch the necessary CSS files to render the fivestar widget. 1
fivestar_add_inline_css ./fivestar.module Add Inline CSS to the page, only used on admin/settings/fivestar page. 2
fivestar_add_js ./fivestar.module Add necessary JS files and settings to render the fivestar widget. 1
fivestar_block ./fivestar.module
fivestar_check_token ./fivestar.module Check to see if a token value matches the specified node. 1
fivestar_color_form includes/ Form callback. Returns the configuration form. 1
fivestar_color_form_submit includes/ Submit handler for color change form. 1
fivestar_color_form_validate includes/ Validate handler for color form. 1
fivestar_comment ./fivestar_comment.module Implementation of hook_comment(). 7
fivestar_comment_create_vote ./fivestar_comment.module Create a vote array based on comment ID, node ID, and vote ID. 1
fivestar_comment_delete ./fivestar_comment.module Delete any value for a comment and update their vote. 1
fivestar_comment_form_alter ./fivestar_comment.module Form alter specification for comments.
fivestar_comment_insert ./fivestar_comment.module Insert a fivestar comment value. 1
fivestar_comment_install ./fivestar_comment.install
fivestar_comment_load ./fivestar_comment.module Get a current rating(s) for a comment. 2
fivestar_comment_schema ./fivestar_comment.install @file Installation file for Fivestar Comment module.
fivestar_comment_theme ./fivestar_comment.module Implementation of hook_theme().
fivestar_comment_uninstall ./fivestar_comment.install
fivestar_comment_update ./fivestar_comment.module Update a fivestar comment value. 1
fivestar_comment_update_6100 ./fivestar_comment.install Add vote_id column to the fivestar_comment table. This update will only be run when upgrading to fivestar schema 6103. 1
fivestar_comment_update_6200 ./fivestar_comment.install Add tag column to the fivestar_comment table.
fivestar_content_is_empty includes/ Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
fivestar_custom_widget ./fivestar.module Form builder; Build a custom Fivestar rating widget with arbitrary settings. 1 2
fivestar_disable ./fivestar.install Implementation of hook_disable().
fivestar_elements ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_elements().
fivestar_enable ./fivestar.install Implementation of hook_enable().
fivestar_expand ./fivestar.module Process callback for fivestar_element -- see fivestar_element() 1
fivestar_field includes/ Implementation of hook_field(). 1
fivestar_field_formatter_info includes/ Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
fivestar_field_info includes/ Implementation of hook_field_info().
fivestar_field_settings includes/ Implementation of hook_field_settings().
fivestar_field_target includes/ Helper function to find the nid that should be rated when a field is changed. 1
fivestar_fivestar_access ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_fivestar_access().
fivestar_fivestar_widgets ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_fivestar_widgets().
fivestar_form ./fivestar.module Create the fivestar form for the current item. Note that this is not an implementation of hook_form(). We should probably change the function to reflect that. 1
fivestar_forms ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_forms().
fivestar_form_submit ./fivestar.module Submit handler for the above form (non-javascript version). 1
fivestar_get_inline_css ./fivestar.module Retrieve a list of all inline CSS to be added to the page. 1
fivestar_get_position ./fivestar.module 1
fivestar_get_settings ./fivestar.module Get all the settings set for a specific node type. 6
fivestar_get_suffix ./fivestar.module Gets the variable suffix for node/tag-specific variables. 8
fivestar_get_tags ./fivestar.module 6
fivestar_get_token ./fivestar.module Get a private token used to protect links from CSRF attacks. 2
fivestar_get_votes ./fivestar.module Utility function to retreive VotingAPI votes. 5
fivestar_help ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_help().
fivestar_init ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_init().
fivestar_install ./fivestar.install
fivestar_link ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_link().
fivestar_menu ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_menu().
fivestar_nodeapi ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().


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