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Functions in Fivestar 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
fivestar_node_type ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_node_types().
fivestar_node_type_tag_form includes/ Adds fivestar enaable and position to the node-type configuration form. 2
fivestar_node_type_tag_form_submit includes/ Additional submit handler for the node type form.
fivestar_perm ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_perm().
fivestar_preview includes/ Menu callback function for fivestar/preview/node. 2
fivestar_preview_color includes/ Menu callback function for fivestar/preview/color. 1
fivestar_schema ./fivestar.install @file Installation file for fivestar module.
fivestar_settings includes/ Callback function for admin/settings/fivestar. Display the settings form. 1
fivestar_settings_submit includes/ 1
fivestar_static ./fivestar.module Retreive and print out a static display of stars for a piece of content. 1
fivestar_theme ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_theme().
fivestar_uninstall ./fivestar.install
fivestar_update_1 ./fivestar.install Add the fivestar comment tables.
fivestar_update_2 ./fivestar.install Convert previous fivestar widget settings to new format.
fivestar_update_6100 ./fivestar.install Upgrade to Drupal 6 and VotingAPI 2.
fivestar_update_6101 ./fivestar.install Add vote_id column to the fivestar_comment table.
fivestar_update_6102 ./fivestar.install Set Fivestar weight to -1 so that it can load before content.module.
fivestar_update_6103 ./fivestar.install Move comment support to a separate module.
fivestar_update_6104 ./fivestar.install Update CCK target logic to rename "target" to "php_target".
fivestar_update_6105 ./fivestar.install Belated update for Drupal 6: Re-enable Fivestar CCK fields.
fivestar_update_version ./fivestar.install Function to retrieve the current version to prevent duplicate updates. 3
fivestar_validate ./fivestar.module An #element_validate function for "fivestar" elements. 1
fivestar_validate_target ./fivestar.module Check that an item being voted upon is a valid vote. 4
fivestar_views_value_display_handler ./fivestar.module VotingAPI Views formatter for displaying static stars. 1
fivestar_views_value_text_handler ./fivestar.module VotingAPI Views formatter for displaying number of stars as text.
fivestar_views_widget_compact_handler ./fivestar.module VotingAPI Views formatter for displaying rating widget without text.
fivestar_views_widget_handler ./fivestar.module Generic VotingAPI Views formatter for displaying rating widget. 2
fivestar_views_widget_normal_handler ./fivestar.module VotingAPI Views formatter for displaying rating widget with text.
fivestar_vote ./fivestar.module Callback function for fivestar/vote. 1
fivestar_votingapi_metadata_alter ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_votingapi_metadata_alter().
fivestar_votingapi_views_formatters ./fivestar.module Implementation of hook_votingapi_views_formatters().
fivestar_widget includes/ Implementation of hook_widget(). 4
fivestar_widget_enabled ./fivestar.module Check if nodetype has a fivestar voting tag enabled. 1
fivestar_widget_form ./fivestar.module 2
fivestar_widget_info includes/ Implementation of hook_widget_info().
fivestar_widget_settings includes/ Implementation of hook_widget_settings().
theme_fivestar ./fivestar.module Theme the fivestar form element by adding necessary css and javascript.
theme_fivestar_color_form includes/ Theme color form.
theme_fivestar_comment_view ./fivestar_comment.module Theme fivestar comment view.
theme_fivestar_formatter_default includes/ Theme function for 'default' fivestar field formatter.
theme_fivestar_formatter_percentage includes/ Theme function for 'percentage' fivestar field formatter.
theme_fivestar_formatter_rating includes/ Theme function for 'rating' fivestar field formatter.
theme_fivestar_node_type_tag_form includes/ Theme function to add the Fivestar preview to the node type form.
theme_fivestar_preview includes/
theme_fivestar_preview_widget includes/ Show a preview of a widget using a custom CSS file.
theme_fivestar_preview_wrapper includes/
theme_fivestar_select ./fivestar.module Theme the straight HTML version of the fivestar select list. This is used to remove the wrapping 'form-item' div from the select list.
theme_fivestar_settings includes/
theme_fivestar_static ./fivestar.module Display a plain HTML view-only version of the widget with a specified rating.
theme_fivestar_static_element ./fivestar.module Display a static fivestar value as stars with a title and description.


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