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function field_collection_item_revision_load in Field collection 7

Loads a field collection revision.


$revision_id: The id of the revision to load.

Return value

The entity object, or FALSE if there is no entity with the given revision id.

3 calls to field_collection_item_revision_load()
FieldCollectionBasicTestCase::testCRUD in ./field_collection.test
Tests CRUD.
field_collection_field_delete_revision in ./field_collection.module
Implements hook_field_delete_revision().
field_collection_field_get_entity in ./field_collection.module
Gets a field collection item entity for a given field item.


./field_collection.module, line 193
Module implementing field collection field type.


function field_collection_item_revision_load($revision_id) {
  return entity_revision_load('field_collection_item', $revision_id);