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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Field collection 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
EntityTranslationFieldCollectionItemHandler class includes/ Field Collection Item translation handler.
FieldCollectionBasicTestCase class ./field_collection.test Test basics.
FieldCollectionContentTranslationTestCase class ./field_collection.test Test using field collection with content that gets translated.
FieldCollectionEntityTranslationTestCase class ./field_collection.test Test using field collection with content that gets translated with Entity Translation.
FieldCollectionItemEntity class ./ Class for field_collection_item entities.
FieldCollectionItemMetadataController class ./
FieldCollectionRulesIntegrationTestCase class ./field_collection.test Test using field collection with Rules.
field_collection_handler_relationship class views/ @file Provide relationship handler for field collection fields.
MigrateDestinationFieldCollection class ./ Destination class implementing migration into field_collection.

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