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function field_collection_features_pipe_field_alter in Field collection 7

Implements hook_features_pipe_COMPONENT_alter() for field objects.

This is used with Features v1.0 and v2.0 prior to beta2, newer releases separated the field_base from the field_instance so this won't be used.

See also



./field_collection.module, line 1945
Module implementing field collection field type.


function field_collection_features_pipe_field_alter(&$pipe, $data, $export) {

  // Skip this if Features has been updated to v2.0-beta2 or newer as it will
  // use the separate field_instance integration instead.
  if (!function_exists('field_instance_features_export_options')) {

    // Add the fields of the field collection entity to the pipe.
    foreach ($data as $identifier) {
      if (($field = features_field_load($identifier)) && $field['field_config']['type'] === 'field_collection') {
        $fields = field_info_instances('field_collection_item', $field['field_config']['field_name']);
        foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
          $pipe['field'][] = "{$field['entity_type']}-{$field['bundle']}-{$field['field_name']}";