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function field_collection_field_collection_from_field_context in Field collection 7

Return a new field collection context based on an existing context.

1 string reference to 'field_collection_field_collection_from_field_context' in ctools/relationships/
Plugin to provide a relationship handler for a field collection field.


ctools/relationships/, line 72
Plugin to provide a relationship handler for a field collection field.


function field_collection_field_collection_from_field_context($context, $conf) {
  $plugin_info = ctools_get_relationship($conf['name']);
  $delta = (int) $conf['delta'];
  $entity = $context->data;
  if (isset($entity->{$plugin_info['field_name']})) {
    $items = field_get_items($plugin_info['entity_type'], $entity, $plugin_info['field_name']);

    // Use negative delta to get item from the end.
    if ($delta < 0) {

      // Add negative pseudo-delta to total amount of items to get the real
      // delta. Example (field_collection with 5 elements): count() == 5:
      // 5 + -1 = 4, which would be the last element in this example.
      $delta = count($items) + $delta;
    if (!empty($items) && isset($items[$delta]['value'])) {
      return ctools_context_create('entity:field_collection_item', $items[$delta]['value']);
  return ctools_context_create_empty('entity:field_collection_item', NULL);