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function feeds_ex_requirements in Feeds extensible parsers 7

Implements hook_requirements().


./feeds_ex.install, line 25
Install/enable/update hooks for feeds_ex.


function feeds_ex_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  if ($phase !== 'runtime') {
    return $requirements;
  drupal_load('module', 'feeds_ex');
  $t = get_t();
  $requirements['feeds_ex_jsonpath']['title'] = $t('JSONPath library');
  $requirements['feeds_ex_jsonpath']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK;
  $requirements['feeds_ex_jsonpath']['value'] = $t('Installed');
  if (FeedsExJsonUtility::jsonPathParserInstalled() === FALSE) {
    $description = array(
      'missing' => t('The <a href="@jsonpath">JSONPath</a> library is missing.', array(
        '@jsonpath' => '',
      'library_download' => t('Download <a href="@download">@download</a> and place the contents of JSONPath-@version in sites/all/libraries/jsonpath', array(
        '@download' => '' . FEEDS_EX_JSONPATH_LIBRARY_VERSION . '.tar.gz',

    // Check if the library files are there.
    $library_files_present = FALSE;
    if (!module_exists('libraries') && is_dir(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/all/libraries/jsonpath/src/Flow/JSONPath')) {
      $library_files_present = TRUE;
    elseif (module_exists('libraries') && libraries_get_path('jsonpath')) {
      $library_files_present = TRUE;
    if ($library_files_present) {
      $description['library_install'] = t('The files for the JSONPath library seem to be present in /sites/all/libraries/jsonpath, but could not be loaded. Install the library in one of these two ways:');

      // List all possible steps.
      $steps = array(
        '#theme' => 'item_list',
        '#items' => array(
          'libraries_and_xautoload' => t('Download and enable the modules !libraries_link and !xautoload_link.', array(
            '!libraries_link' => l(t('Libraries'), ''),
            '!xautoload_link' => l(t('X Autoload'), ''),
          'libraries_only' => t('Download and enable the module !libraries_link.', array(
            '!libraries_link' => l(t('Libraries'), ''),
          'xautoload_only' => t('Download and enable the module !xautoload_link.', array(
            '!xautoload_link' => l(t('X Autoload'), ''),
          'composer' => t('Or, on the command line, go to the jsonpath folder and execute the command !command.', array(
            '!command' => '<code>composer install --no-dev</code>',

      // If the libraries module is installed, then instructions to install that
      // can be removed.
      if (module_exists('libraries')) {
      else {

      // If the xautoload module is installed, then instructions to install that
      // can be removed.
      if (module_exists('xautoload')) {
      else {

      // If both modules are already installed, something else is wrong.
      if (module_exists('libraries') && module_exists('xautoload')) {
        $description['library_install'] = t('The files for the JSONPath library seem to be present in /sites/all/libraries/jsonpath, but could not be loaded. Try one or more of the following things:');
        $steps = array(
          '#theme' => 'item_list',
          '#items' => array(
            t('Check if the correct library is installed. This should be "flow/jsonpath" (check the composer.json file in /sites/all/libraries/jsonpath). If in doubt, download <a href="@download">@download</a> and place the contents of JSONPath-@version in sites/all/libraries/jsonpath.', array(
              '@version' => FEEDS_EX_JSONPATH_LIBRARY_VERSION,
              '@download' => '' . FEEDS_EX_JSONPATH_LIBRARY_VERSION . '.tar.gz',
            t('Clear the caches.'),
            t('On the command line, go to the jsonpath folder and execute the command !command.', array(
              '!command' => '<code>composer install --no-dev</code>',
      $description['library_install_steps'] = drupal_render($steps);
    $requirements['feeds_ex_jsonpath']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
    $requirements['feeds_ex_jsonpath']['description'] = implode(' ', $description);
    $requirements['feeds_ex_jsonpath']['value'] = $t('Not installed');
  return $requirements;