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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Feeds extensible parsers 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
FeedsExBase abstract class src/ The Feeds extensible parser. 4
FeedsExEmptyException class src/ An exception thrown by parsers when they receive an empty feed.
FeedsExEncoderInterface interface src/Text/Utility.php Coverts text encodings. 1
FeedsExHtml class src/ Parses HTML documents with XPath.
FeedsExHtmlEncoder class src/Xml/Utility.php Converts the encoding of an HTML document to UTF-8.
FeedsExHtmlTests class src/Tests/FeedsExHtml.test Integration tests for FeedsExHtml.
FeedsExJmesPath class src/ Parses JSON documents with JMESPath. 1
FeedsExJmesPathLines class src/ Parses JSON Lines documents with JMESPath.
FeedsExJmesPathV1Wrapper class src/ Converts version 1 runtimes to version 2.
FeedsExJsonPath class src/ Parses JSON via JSONPath. 1
FeedsExJsonPathLines class src/ Parses the JSON Lines format via JSONPath.
FeedsExJsonPathParserFlow class src/ Wraps the Flow JSONPath implementation.
FeedsExJsonPathParserInterface interface src/ Normalizes various JSONPath implementations. 1
FeedsExJsonUtility class src/Json/Utility.php Various helpers for handling JSON.
FeedsExLineIterator class src/File/FeedsExLineIterator.php Text lines from file iterator.
FeedsExMessenger class src/ Uses drupal_set_message() to show messages.
FeedsExMessengerInterface interface src/ Displays messages to the user. 2
FeedsExQueryPathHtml class src/ Parses HTML documents with QueryPath.
FeedsExQueryPathXml class src/ Parses XML documents with QueryPath. 1
FeedsExTestFeedsSource class src/Tests/ A FeedsSource class used during testing.
FeedsExTestMessenger class src/ Stores messages without calling drupal_set_mesage().
FeedsExTestUi class tests/ A minimal implementation of a parser for UI testing.
FeedsExTextEncoder class src/Text/Utility.php Generic text encoder. 1
FeedsExUi class src/Tests/FeedsExUi.test User interface tests.
FeedsExXml class src/ Parses XML documents with XPath. 2
FeedsExXmlEncoder class src/Xml/Utility.php Converts the encoding of an XML document to UTF-8. 1
FeedsExXmlUtility class src/Xml/Utility.php Simple XML helpers.
FeedsExXpathDomXpath class src/ Wraps DOMXPath simplifying usage.

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