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9 calls to FeedsWebTestCase::assertNodeCount() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsFileHTTPTestCase::setUpMultipleCronRuns in tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test
Configures the evironment so that multiple cron runs are needed to complete an import.
FeedsFileHTTPTestCase::testAbortImportWhenTemporaryFileIsDeleted in tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test
Tests that an import is aborted when the temporary file in the in_progress dir is removed.
FeedsFileHTTPTestCase::testImportSourceWithMultipleCronRuns in tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test
Tests importing source that needs multiple cron runs.
FeedsOgTest::testImportOgReferenceWithoutAuthorizing in tests/feeds_og.test
Tests importing content for a group using the web UI.
FeedsOgTest::testImportOgReferenceWithoutAuthorizingOnCron in tests/feeds_og.test
Tests importing content for a group on cron runs.
FeedsRulesTest::testFeedsImportAction in tests/feeds_rules.test
Tests the Rules action 'feeds_import_feed'.
FeedsRulesTest::testFeedsImportActionUsingStandaloneForm in tests/feeds_rules.test
Tests the Rules action 'feeds_import_feed' with standalone form.
FeedsRulesTest::testFeedsImportActionWithProcessInBackgroundOption in tests/feeds_rules.test
Tests the Rules action 'feeds_import_feed' with process in background.
FeedsSourceTest::testProgrammaticImport in tests/FeedsSourceTest.test
Tests if two sources can be imported in the same request.