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feeds.test in Feeds 7.2

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  1. 6 tests/feeds.test

Common functionality for all Feeds tests.


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 * @file
 * Common functionality for all Feeds tests.

 * Test basic Data API functionality.
class FeedsWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $args = func_get_args();

    // Build the list of required modules which can be altered by passing in an
    // array of module names to setUp().
    if (isset($args[0])) {
      if (is_array($args[0])) {
        $modules = $args[0];
      else {
        $modules = $args;
    else {
      $modules = array();
    $modules[] = 'taxonomy';
    $modules[] = 'image';
    $modules[] = 'file';
    $modules[] = 'field';
    $modules[] = 'field_ui';
    $modules[] = 'feeds';
    $modules[] = 'feeds_ui';
    $modules[] = 'feeds_tests';
    $modules[] = 'ctools';
    $modules[] = 'job_scheduler';
    $modules = array_unique($modules);

    // Add text formats Directly.
    $filtered_html_format = array(
      'format' => 'filtered_html',
      'name' => 'Filtered HTML',
      'weight' => 0,
      'filters' => array(
        // URL filter.
        'filter_url' => array(
          'weight' => 0,
          'status' => 1,
        // HTML filter.
        'filter_html' => array(
          'weight' => 1,
          'status' => 1,
        // Line break filter.
        'filter_autop' => array(
          'weight' => 2,
          'status' => 1,
        // HTML corrector filter.
        'filter_htmlcorrector' => array(
          'weight' => 10,
          'status' => 1,
    $filtered_html_format = (object) $filtered_html_format;

    // Build the list of required administration permissions. Additional
    // permissions can be passed as an array into setUp()'s second parameter.
    if (isset($args[1]) && is_array($args[1])) {
      $permissions = $args[1];
    else {
      $permissions = array();
    $permissions[] = 'access content';
    $permissions[] = 'administer site configuration';
    $permissions[] = 'administer content types';
    $permissions[] = 'administer nodes';
    $permissions[] = 'bypass node access';
    $permissions[] = 'administer taxonomy';
    $permissions[] = 'administer users';
    $permissions[] = 'administer feeds';
    $permissions[] = 'administer filters';
    $permissions[] = 'administer fields';

    // Create an admin user and log in.
    $this->admin_user = $this

    // Create two content types if they don't exist yet.
    $existing_node_types = node_type_get_names();
    $types = array(
        'type' => 'page',
        'name' => 'Basic page',
        'node_options[status]' => 1,
        'node_options[promote]' => 0,
        'type' => 'article',
        'name' => 'Article',
        'node_options[status]' => 1,
        'node_options[promote]' => 1,
    foreach ($types as $type) {

      // Check if the content type to add already exists. Other tests which
      // inherit from FeedsWebTestCase might already have added one of the
      // content types in one of the modules they have enabled in their startup.
      if (isset($existing_node_types[$type['type']])) {

        // Content type already exists. Continue to the next one.
        ->drupalPost('admin/structure/types/add', $type, 'Save content type');
        ->assertText("The content type " . $type['name'] . " has been added.");

   * Absolute path to Drupal root.
  public function absolute() {
    return realpath(getcwd());

   * Get the absolute directory path of the feeds module.
  public function absolutePath() {
    return $this
      ->absolute() . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds');

   * Generate an OPML test feed.
   * The purpose of this function is to create a dynamic OPML feed that points
   * to feeds included in this test.
  public function generateOPML() {
    $path = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') . '/tests/feeds/';
    $output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<opml version="1.1">
    <title>Feeds test OPML</title>
    <dateCreated>Fri, 16 Oct 2009 02:53:17 GMT</dateCreated>
  <outline text="Feeds test group" >
    <outline title="Development Seed - Technological Solutions for Progressive Organizations" text="" xmlUrl="' . $path . 'developmentseed.rss2" type="rss" />
    <outline title="Magyar Nemzet Online - H\'rek" text="" xmlUrl="' . $path . 'feed_without_guid.rss2" type="rss" />
    <outline title="Drupal planet" text="" type="rss" xmlUrl="' . $path . 'drupalplanet.rss2" />

    // UTF 8 encode output string and write it to disk.
    $output = utf8_encode($output);
    $filename = file_default_scheme() . '://test-opml-' . $this
      ->randomName() . '.opml';
    $filename = file_unmanaged_save_data($output, $filename);
    return $filename;

   * Create an importer configuration.
   * @param $name
   *   The natural name of the feed.
   * @param $id
   *   The persistent id of the feed.
   * @param $edit
   *   Optional array that defines the basic settings for the feed in a format
   *   that can be posted to the feed's basic settings form.
  public function createImporterConfiguration($name = 'Syndication', $id = 'syndication') {

    // Create new feed configuration.
      ->clickLink('Add importer');
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $name,
      'id' => $id,
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/feeds/create', $edit, 'Create');

    // Assert message and presence of default plugins.
      ->assertText('Your configuration has been created with default settings.');
      ->assertPlugins($id, 'FeedsHTTPFetcher', 'FeedsSyndicationParser', 'FeedsNodeProcessor');

    // Per default attach to page content type.
      ->setSettings($id, NULL, array(
      'content_type' => 'page',

    // Per default attached to article content type.
      ->setSettings($id, 'FeedsNodeProcessor', array(
      'bundle' => 'article',

   * Choose a plugin for a importer configuration and assert it.
   * @param $id
   *   The importer configuration's id.
   * @param $plugin_key
   *   The key string of the plugin to choose (one of the keys defined in
   *   feeds_feeds_plugins()).
  public function setPlugin($id, $plugin_key) {
    if ($type = FeedsPlugin::typeOf($plugin_key)) {
      $edit = array(
        'plugin_key' => $plugin_key,
        ->drupalPost("admin/structure/feeds/{$id}/{$type}", $edit, 'Save');

      // Assert actual configuration.
      $config = unserialize(db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = :id", array(
        ':id' => $id,
        ->assertEqual($config[$type]['plugin_key'], $plugin_key, 'Verified correct ' . $type . ' (' . $plugin_key . ').');

   * Set importer or plugin settings.
   * @param $id
   *   The importer configuration's id.
   * @param $plugin
   *   The plugin (class) name, or NULL to set importer's settings
   * @param $settings
   *   The settings to set.
  public function setSettings($id, $plugin, $settings) {
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/feeds/' . $id . '/settings/' . $plugin, $settings, 'Save');
      ->assertText('Your changes have been saved.');

   * Create a test feed node. Test user has to have sufficient permissions:.
   * * create [type] content
   * * use feeds.
   * Assumes that page content type has been configured with
   * createImporterConfiguration() as a feed content type.
   * @return
   *   The node id of the node created.
  public function createFeedNode($id = 'syndication', $feed_url = NULL, $title = '', $content_type = NULL) {
    if (empty($feed_url)) {
      $feed_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') . '/tests/feeds/developmentseed.rss2';

    // If content type not given, retrieve it.
    if (!$content_type) {
      $result = db_select('feeds_importer', 'f')
        ->condition('', $id, '=')
        ->fields('f', array(
      $config = unserialize($result
      $content_type = $config['content_type'];
        ->assertFalse(empty($content_type), 'Valid content type found: ' . $content_type);

    // Create a feed node.
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $title,
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $feed_url,
      ->drupalPost('node/add/' . str_replace('_', '-', $content_type), $edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText('has been created.');

    // Get the node id from URL.
    $nid = $this

    // Check whether feed got recorded in feeds_source table.
    $query = db_select('feeds_source', 's')
      ->condition('', $id, '=')
      ->condition('s.feed_nid', $nid, '=');
    $result = $query
      ->assertEqual(1, $result);
    $source = db_select('feeds_source', 's')
      ->condition('', $id, '=')
      ->condition('s.feed_nid', $nid, '=')
      ->fields('s', array(
    $config = unserialize($source->config);
      ->assertEqual($config['FeedsHTTPFetcher']['source'], $feed_url, t('URL in DB correct.'));
    return $nid;

   * Edit the configuration of a feed node to test update behavior.
   * @param $nid
   *   The nid to edit.
   * @param $feed_url
   *   The new (absolute) feed URL to use.
   * @param $title
   *   Optional parameter to change title of feed node.
  public function editFeedNode($nid, $feed_url, $title = '') {
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $title,
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $feed_url,

    // Check that the update was saved.
      ->drupalPost('node/' . $nid . '/edit', $edit, 'Save');
      ->assertText('has been updated.');

    // Check that the URL was updated in the feeds_source table.
    $source = db_query("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} WHERE feed_nid = :nid", array(
      ':nid' => $nid,
    $config = unserialize($source->config);
      ->assertEqual($config['FeedsHTTPFetcher']['source'], $feed_url, t('URL in DB correct.'));

   * Batch create a variable amount of feed nodes. All will have the
   * same URL configured.
   * @return
   *   An array of node ids of the nodes created.
  public function createFeedNodes($id = 'syndication', $num = 20, $content_type = NULL) {
    $nids = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
      $nids[] = $this
        ->createFeedNode($id, NULL, $this
        ->randomName(), $content_type);
    return $nids;

   * Import a URL through the import form. Assumes FeedsHTTPFetcher in place.
  public function importURL($id, $feed_url = NULL) {
    if (empty($feed_url)) {
      $feed_url = $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds') . '/tests/feeds/developmentseed.rss2';
    $edit = array(
      'feeds[FeedsHTTPFetcher][source]' => $feed_url,
    $nid = $this
      ->drupalPost('import/' . $id, $edit, 'Import');

    // Check whether feed got recorded in feeds_source table.
      ->assertEqual(1, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = :id AND feed_nid = 0", array(
      ':id' => $id,
    $source = db_query("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = :id AND feed_nid = 0", array(
      ':id' => $id,
    $config = unserialize($source->config);
      ->assertEqual($config['FeedsHTTPFetcher']['source'], $feed_url, t('URL in DB correct.'));

    // Check whether feed got properly added to scheduler.
      ->assertEqual(1, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = :id AND id = 0 AND name = 'feeds_source_import' AND last <> 0 AND scheduled = 0", array(
      ':id' => $id,

    // Check expire scheduler.
    if (feeds_importer($id)->processor
      ->expiryTime() == FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER) {
        ->assertEqual(0, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = :id AND id = 0 AND name = 'feeds_source_expire'", array(
        ':id' => $id,
    else {
        ->assertEqual(1, db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {job_schedule} WHERE type = :id AND id = 0 AND name = 'feeds_source_expire'", array(
        ':id' => $id,

   * Import a file through the import form. Assumes FeedsFileFetcher in place.
   * @param string $id
   *   The ID of the importer.
   * @param string $file
   *   The absolute path to the file.
   * @param string $submit
   *   (optional) The button to press.
   *   Defaults to the button "Import".
  public function importFile($id, $file, $submit = NULL) {
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file), 'Source file exists');
    $edit = array(
      'files[feeds]' => $file,
    if (empty($submit)) {
      $submit = 'Import';
      ->drupalPost('import/' . $id, $edit, $submit);

   * Asserts that the given number of nodes exist.
   * @param int $expected_node_count
   *   The expected number of nodes in the node table.
   * @param string $message
   *   (optional) The message to assert.
  protected function assertNodeCount($expected_node_count, $message = '') {
    if (!$message) {
      $message = '@expected nodes have been created (actual: @count).';
    $node_count = db_select('node')
      ->fields('node', array())
      ->assertEqual($expected_node_count, $node_count, format_string($message, array(
      '@expected' => $expected_node_count,
      '@count' => $node_count,

   * Assert a feeds configuration's plugins.
   * @deprecated:
   *   Use setPlugin() instead.
   * @todo Refactor users of assertPlugin() and make them use setPugin() instead.
  public function assertPlugins($id, $fetcher, $parser, $processor) {

    // Assert actual configuration.
    $config = unserialize(db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = :id", array(
      ':id' => $id,
      ->assertEqual($config['fetcher']['plugin_key'], $fetcher, 'Correct fetcher');
      ->assertEqual($config['parser']['plugin_key'], $parser, 'Correct parser');
      ->assertEqual($config['processor']['plugin_key'], $processor, 'Correct processor');

   * Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::assertFieldByXPath().
   * The core version has a bug, this is the D8 version.
   * @todo Remove once lands.
  protected function assertFieldByXPath($xpath, $value = NULL, $message = '', $group = 'Other') {
    $fields = $this

    // If value specified then check array for match.
    $found = TRUE;
    if (isset($value)) {
      $found = FALSE;
      if ($fields) {
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
          if (isset($field['value']) && $field['value'] == $value) {

            // Input element with correct value.
            $found = TRUE;
          elseif (isset($field->option) || isset($field->optgroup)) {

            // Select element found.
            $selected = $this
            if ($selected === FALSE) {

              // No item selected so use first item.
              $items = $this
              if (!empty($items) && $items[0]['value'] == $value) {
                $found = TRUE;
            elseif ($selected == $value) {
              $found = TRUE;
          elseif ((string) $field == $value) {

            // Text area with correct text.
            $found = TRUE;
    return $this
      ->assertTrue($fields && $found, $message, $group);

   * Asserts that a field in the current page is enabled.
   * @param string $name
   *   Name of field to assert.
   * @param string $message
   *   (optional) A message to display with the assertion.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  protected function assertFieldEnabled($name, $message = '') {
    $elements = $this
      ->constructFieldXpath('name', $name));
    return $this
      ->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]) && empty($elements[0]['disabled']), $message ? $message : t('Field %name is enabled.', array(
      '%name' => $name,
    )), t('Browser'));

   * Asserts that a field in the current page is disabled.
   * @param string $name
   *   Name of field to assert.
   * @param string $message
   *   (optional) A message to display with the assertion.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE on pass, FALSE on fail.
  protected function assertFieldDisabled($name, $message = '') {
    $elements = $this
      ->constructFieldXpath('name', $name));
    return $this
      ->assertTrue(isset($elements[0]) && !empty($elements[0]['disabled']), $message ? $message : t('Field %name is disabled.', array(
      '%name' => $name,
    )), t('Browser'));

   * Adds mappings to a given configuration.
   * @param string $id
   *   ID of the importer.
   * @param array $mappings
   *   An array of mapping arrays. Each mapping array must have a source and
   *   an target key and can have a unique key.
   * @param bool $test_mappings
   *   (optional) TRUE to automatically test mapping configs. Defaults to TRUE.
  public function addMappings($id, array $mappings, $test_mappings = TRUE) {
    $path = "admin/structure/feeds/{$id}/mapping";

    // Iterate through all mappings and add the mapping via the form.
    foreach ($mappings as $i => $mapping) {
      if ($test_mappings) {
        $current_mapping_key = $this
          ->mappingExists($id, $i, $mapping['source'], $mapping['target']);
          ->assertEqual($current_mapping_key, -1, 'Mapping does not exist before addition.');

      // Get unique flag and unset it. Otherwise, drupalPost will complain that
      // Split up config and mapping.
      $config = $mapping;
      unset($config['source'], $config['target']);
      $mapping = array(
        'source' => $mapping['source'],
        'target' => $mapping['target'],

      // Add mapping.
        ->drupalPost($path, $mapping, t('Save'));

      // If there are other configuration options, set them.
      if ($config) {
          ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(), 'mapping_settings_edit_' . $i);

        // Set some settings.
        $edit = array();
        foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
          if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
              $edit["config[{$i}][settings][{$key}][{$subkey}]"] = $subvalue;
          else {
            $edit["config[{$i}][settings][{$key}]"] = $value;
          ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, 'mapping_settings_update_' . $i);
          ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
      if ($test_mappings) {
        $current_mapping_key = $this
          ->mappingExists($id, $i, $mapping['source'], $mapping['target']);
          ->assertTrue($current_mapping_key >= 0, 'Mapping exists after addition.');

   * Remove mappings from a given configuration.
   * @param string $id
   *   ID of the importer.
   * @param array $mappings
   *   An array of mapping arrays. Each mapping array must have a source and
   *   a target key and can have a unique key.
   * @param bool $test_mappings
   *   (optional) TRUE to automatically test mapping configs. Defaults to TRUE.
  public function removeMappings($id, array $mappings, $test_mappings = TRUE) {
    $path = "admin/structure/feeds/{$id}/mapping";
    $edit = array();

    // Iterate through all mappings and remove via the form.
    foreach ($mappings as $i => $mapping) {
      if ($test_mappings) {
        $current_mapping_key = $this
          ->mappingExists($id, $i, $mapping['source'], $mapping['target']);
          ->assertEqual($current_mapping_key, $i, 'Mapping exists before removal.');
      $edit["remove_flags[{$i}]"] = 1;
      ->drupalPost($path, $edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertText('Your changes have been saved.');

   * Gets an array of current mappings from the feeds_importer config.
   * @param string $id
   *   ID of the importer.
   * @return bool|array
   *   FALSE if the importer has no mappings, or an an array of mappings.
  public function getCurrentMappings($id) {
    $config = db_query("SELECT config FROM {feeds_importer} WHERE id = :id", array(
      ':id' => $id,
    $config = unserialize($config);

    // We are very specific here. 'mappings' can either be an array or not
    // exist.
    if (array_key_exists('mappings', $config['processor']['config'])) {
        ->assertTrue(is_array($config['processor']['config']['mappings']), 'Mappings is an array.');
      return $config['processor']['config']['mappings'];
    return FALSE;

   * Determines if a mapping exists for a given importer.
   * @param string $id
   *   ID of the importer.
   * @param int $i
   *   The key of the mapping.
   * @param string $source
   *   The source field.
   * @param string $target
   *   The target field.
   * @return int
   *   -1 if the mapping doesn't exist, the key of the mapping otherwise.
  public function mappingExists($id, $i, $source, $target) {
    $current_mappings = $this
    if ($current_mappings) {
      foreach ($current_mappings as $key => $mapping) {
        if ($mapping['source'] == $source && $mapping['target'] == $target && $key == $i) {
          return $key;
    return -1;

   * Helper function, retrieves node id from a URL.
  public function getNid($url) {
    $matches = array();
    preg_match('/node\\/(\\d+?)$/', $url, $matches);
    $nid = $matches[1];

    // Test for actual integerness.
      ->assertTrue($nid === (string) (int) $nid, 'Node id is an integer.');
    return $nid;

   * Changes the author of a node and asserts the change in the UI.
   * @param int $nid
   *   The ID of the node to change author.
   * @param object $account
   *   The new author.
  protected function changeNodeAuthor($nid, $account) {
    $node = node_load($nid);
    $node->uid = $account->uid;

    // Assert that author was in fact changed.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $nid);

   * Copies a directory.
   * @param string $source
   *   The path of the source directory, from which files should be copied.
   * @param string $dest
   *   The path of the destination directory, where files should be copied to.
   * @param array $mapping
   *   (optional) The files to rename in the process.
   *   To skip files from being copied, map filename to FALSE.
  public function copyDir($source, $dest, array $mapping = array()) {
    $result = file_prepare_directory($dest, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
    foreach (@scandir($source) as $file) {
      if (is_file("{$source}/{$file}")) {
        $new_name = isset($mapping[$file]) ? $mapping[$file] : $file;
        if ($new_name !== FALSE) {
          $file = file_unmanaged_copy("{$source}/{$file}", "{$dest}/{$new_name}");

   * Download and extract SimplePIE.
   * Sets the 'feeds_simplepie_library_dir' variable to the directory where
   * SimplePie is downloaded.
  public function downloadExtractSimplePie($version) {
    $url = "{$version}";

    // Avoid downloading the file dozens of times.
    $library_dir = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/feeds';
    $simplepie_library_dir = $library_dir . '/simplepie';
    if (!file_exists($library_dir)) {

    // Local file name.
    $local_file = $library_dir . '/simplepie/library/SimplePie.php';
    $zip_file = $library_dir . '/';

    // Begin single threaded code.
    if (function_exists('sem_get')) {
      $semaphore = sem_get(ftok(__FILE__, 1));

    // Download the archive, but only in one thread.
    if (!file_exists($local_file)) {
      if (!file_exists($zip_file)) {
        $zip_file = system_retrieve_file($url, $zip_file, FALSE, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);

      // Extract the archive.
      $zip = new ZipArchive();
      if ($zip
        ->open($zip_file) === TRUE) {

      // Rename directory.
      rename($library_dir . '/simplepie-' . $version, $simplepie_library_dir);
    if (function_exists('sem_get')) {

    // End single threaded code.
    // Verify that files were successfully extracted.
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($local_file), t('@file found.', array(
      '@file' => $local_file,

    // Set the simpletest library directory.
    variable_set('feeds_library_dir', $library_dir);


 * Provides a wrapper for DrupalUnitTestCase for Feeds unit testing.
class FeedsUnitTestHelper extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

    // Manually include the feeds module.
    // @todo Allow an array of modules from the child class.
    drupal_load('module', 'feeds');


class FeedsUnitTestCase extends FeedsUnitTestHelper {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Unit tests',
      'description' => 'Test basic low-level Feeds module functionality.',
      'group' => 'Feeds',

   * Test valid absolute urls.
   * @see ValidUrlTestCase
   * @todo Remove when is fixed.
  public function testFeedsValidURL() {
    $url_schemes = array(
    $valid_absolute_urls = array(
    foreach ($url_schemes as $scheme) {
      foreach ($valid_absolute_urls as $url) {
        $test_url = $scheme . '://' . $url;
        $valid_url = feeds_valid_url($test_url, TRUE);
          ->assertTrue($valid_url, t('@url is a valid url.', array(
          '@url' => $test_url,
    $invalid_ablosule_urls = array(
    foreach ($url_schemes as $scheme) {
      foreach ($invalid_ablosule_urls as $url) {
        $test_url = $scheme . '://' . $url;
        $valid_url = feeds_valid_url($test_url, TRUE);
          ->assertFalse($valid_url, t('@url is NOT a valid url.', array(
          '@url' => $test_url,



Namesort descending Description
FeedsUnitTestHelper Provides a wrapper for DrupalUnitTestCase for Feeds unit testing.
FeedsWebTestCase Test basic Data API functionality.