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24 uses of FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING in Feeds 7.2

FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testAdditionalRolesSetting in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests if additional roles are assigned when creating or updating users.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testAdditionalRolesSettingWithRoleTarget in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests if additional roles are assigned when also the role mapper is used.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testMD5 in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Test if users with md5 passwords can login after import.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testRoleTargetNoRevokeRoles in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests if no roles are revoked if the option "Revoke roles" is disabled.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testRoleTargetRevokeRoles in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests that roles can be revoked and that only allowed roles are revoked.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testSha512 in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Test if users with sha512 passwords can login after import.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testTimezoneTarget in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests mapping to timezone.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testUidTarget in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests mapping to user ID.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testUidUpdating in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests if user ID's can be changed using the user ID target.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testUser1ProtectionWhenDeletingAll in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests if user 1 cannot be deleted using the delete form.
FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testUser1ProtectionWhenDeletingNonExistent in tests/feeds_processor_user.test
Tests if user 1 cannot be deleted using the delete non-existing feature.
FeedsFileHTTPTestCase::setUpImporter in tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test
Setup importer to import items from testing/feeds/nodes.csv.
FeedsHooksTestCase::testPrevalidateHook in tests/feeds_hooks.test
Ensure that the prevalidate hook is invoked.
Feedsi18nNodeTestCase::setUp in tests/feeds_i18n_node.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
Feedsi18nTaxonomyTestCase::setUp in tests/feeds_i18n_taxonomy.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
FeedsMapperFieldTestCase::testIgnoreUnmappedFieldsValidation in tests/feeds_mapper_field.test
Tests that Feeds ignores validation of fields not mapped to.
FeedsMapperMultilingualFieldsTestCase::testChangedLanguageImport in tests/feeds_mapper_multilingual_fields.test
Tests if values of fields in other languages are kept when not importing in that language.
FeedsMapperMultilingualFieldsTestCase::testChangedLanguageImportForExistingNode in tests/feeds_mapper_multilingual_fields.test
Tests if values of fields in other languages are kept when not importing in that language for nodes that were not created by Feeds.
FeedsMapperMultilingualFieldsTestCase::testClearOutValues in tests/feeds_mapper_multilingual_fields.test
Tests if values are cleared out when an empty value or no value is provided.
FeedsMapperMultilingualFieldsTestCase::testClearOutValuesWithDisabledLanguage in tests/feeds_mapper_multilingual_fields.test
Tests if values are cleared out when an empty value is provided for a language that got disabled.
FeedsNodeProcessor::entityLoad in plugins/
Loads an existing node.
FeedsProcessor::entityLoad in plugins/
Loads an existing entity.
FeedsRSStoNodesTest::testIrrelevantUpdate in tests/feeds_processor_node.test
Tests if target item is not updated when only non-mapped data on the source changed.
FeedsRSStoNodesTest::testSkipNewItems in tests/feeds_processor_node.test
Tests skip new items.