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public function FeedsCSVtoUsersTest::testUser1ProtectionWhenDeletingAll in Feeds 7.2

Tests if user 1 cannot be deleted using the delete form.


tests/feeds_processor_user.test, line 963
Tests for plugins/


Test aggregating a feed as data records.


public function testUser1ProtectionWhenDeletingAll() {

  // Set to update existing users.
    ->setSettings('user_import', 'FeedsFileFetcher', array());
    ->setSettings('user_import', 'FeedsUserProcessor', array(
    'update_existing' => FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING,

  // Set mail address of user 1 to "".
  $account = user_load(1);
  $edit['mail'] = '';
  user_save($account, $edit);

  // Import a file that contains the mail address of user 1.
    ->importFile('user_import', $this
    ->absolutePath() . '/tests/feeds/users.csv');
    ->assertText('Updated 1 user');

  // Ensure the username of user 1 was updated.
  $account = user_load(1, TRUE);
    ->assertEqual('Fester', $account->name);

  // Now delete all items. User 1 should not be deleted.
    ->drupalPost('import/user_import/delete-items', array(), 'Delete');

  // Ensure that user 1 still exists.
  $account = db_select('users')
    ->condition('uid', 1)
    ->assertTrue(is_object($account), 'User 1 still exists.');

  // But ensure that the associated feeds item did got deleted.
  $count = db_select('feeds_item')
    ->condition('entity_type', 'user')
    ->condition('entity_id', 1)
    ->assertEqual(0, $count, 'The feeds item for user 1 was deleted.');