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class FeedsSource in Feeds 8.2

This class encapsulates a source of a feed. It stores where the feed can be found and how to import it.

Information on how to import a feed is encapsulated in a FeedsImporter object which is identified by the common id of the FeedsSource and the FeedsImporter. More than one FeedsSource can use the same FeedsImporter therefore a FeedsImporter never holds a pointer to a FeedsSource object, nor does it hold any other information for a particular FeedsSource object.

Classes extending FeedsPlugin can implement a sourceForm to expose configuration for a FeedsSource object. This is for instance how FeedsFetcher exposes a text field for a feed URL or how FeedsCSVParser exposes a select field for choosing between colon or semicolon delimiters.

It is important that a FeedsPlugin does not directly hold information about a source but leave all storage up to FeedsSource. An instance of a FeedsPlugin class only exists once per FeedsImporter configuration, while an instance of a FeedsSource class exists once per feed_nid to be imported.

As with FeedsImporter, the idea with FeedsSource is that it can be used without actually saving the object to the database.


Expanded class hierarchy of FeedsSource

15 files declare their use of FeedsSource
feeds.module in ./feeds.module
Feeds - basic API functions and hook implementations.
FeedsCSVParser.php in lib/Drupal/feeds/Plugin/feeds/parser/FeedsCSVParser.php
Contains the FeedsCSVParser class.
FeedsFetcher.php in lib/Drupal/feeds/Plugin/FeedsFetcher.php
Contains the FeedsFetcher and related classes.
FeedsFileFetcher.php in lib/Drupal/feeds/Plugin/feeds/fetcher/FeedsFileFetcher.php
Home of the FeedsFileFetcher and related classes.
FeedsHTTPFetcher.php in lib/Drupal/feeds/Plugin/feeds/fetcher/FeedsHTTPFetcher.php
Contains \Drupal\feeds\Plugin\feeds\fetcher\FeedsHTTPFetcher.

... See full list


lib/Drupal/feeds/FeedsSource.php, line 46
Definition of FeedsSourceInterface and FeedsSource class.


View source
class FeedsSource extends FeedsConfigurable {

  // Contains the node id of the feed this source info object is attached to.
  // Equals 0 if not attached to any node - i. e. if used on a
  // standalone import form within Feeds or by other API users.
  protected $feed_nid;

  // The FeedsImporter object that this source is expected to be used with.
  protected $importer;

  // A FeedsSourceState object holding the current import/clearing state of this
  // source.
  protected $state;

  // Fetcher result, used to cache fetcher result when batching.
  protected $fetcher_result;

  // Timestamp when this source was imported the last time.
  protected $imported;

   * Instantiate a unique object per class/id/feed_nid. Don't use
   * directly, use feeds_source() instead.
  public static function instance($importer_id, $feed_nid) {
    $class = variable_get('feeds_source_class', 'Drupal\\feeds\\FeedsSource');
    static $instances = array();
    if (!isset($instances[$class][$importer_id][$feed_nid])) {
      $instances[$class][$importer_id][$feed_nid] = new $class($importer_id, $feed_nid);
    return $instances[$class][$importer_id][$feed_nid];

   * Constructor.
  protected function __construct($importer_id, $feed_nid) {
    $this->feed_nid = $feed_nid;
    $this->importer = feeds_importer($importer_id);

   * Returns the FeedsImporter object that this source is expected to be used with.
  public function importer() {
    return $this->importer;

   * Preview = fetch and parse a feed.
   * @return
   *   FeedsParserResult object.
   * @throws
   *   Throws Exception if an error occurs when fetching or parsing.
  public function preview() {
    $result = $this->importer->fetcher
    $result = $this->importer->parser
      ->parse($this, $result);
    module_invoke_all('feeds_after_parse', $this, $result);
    return $result;

   * Start importing a source.
   * This method starts an import job. Depending on the configuration of the
   * importer of this source, a Batch API job or a background job with Job
   * Scheduler will be created.
   * @throws Exception
   *   If processing in background is enabled, the first batch chunk of the
   *   import will be executed on the current page request. This means that this
   *   method may throw the same exceptions as FeedsSource::import().
  public function startImport() {
    module_invoke_all('feeds_before_import', $this);
    $config = $this->importer
    if ($config['process_in_background']) {
    else {
        ->startBatchAPIJob(t('Importing'), 'import');

   * Start deleting all imported items of a source.
   * This method starts a clear job. Depending on the configuration of the
   * importer of this source, a Batch API job or a background job with Job
   * Scheduler will be created.
   * @throws Exception
   *   If processing in background is enabled, the first batch chunk of the
   *   clear task will be executed on the current page request. This means that
   *   this method may throw the same exceptions as FeedsSource::clear().
  public function startClear() {
    $config = $this->importer
    if ($config['process_in_background']) {
    else {
        ->startBatchAPIJob(t('Deleting'), 'clear');

   * Schedule all periodic tasks for this source.
  public function schedule() {

   * Schedule periodic or background import tasks.
  public function scheduleImport() {

    // Check whether any fetcher is overriding the import period.
    $period = $this->importer->config['import_period'];
    $fetcher_period = $this->importer->fetcher
    if (is_numeric($fetcher_period)) {
      $period = $fetcher_period;
    $period = $this
      ->progressImporting() === FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE ? $period : 0;
    $job = array(
      'type' => $this->id,
      'id' => $this->feed_nid,
      // Schedule as soon as possible if a batch is active.
      'period' => $period,
      'periodic' => TRUE,
    if ($period == FEEDS_SCHEDULE_NEVER) {
    else {

   * Schedule background expire tasks.
  public function scheduleExpire() {

    // Schedule as soon as possible if a batch is active.
    $period = $this
      ->progressExpiring() === FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE ? 3600 : 0;
    $job = array(
      'type' => $this->id,
      'id' => $this->feed_nid,
      'period' => $period,
      'periodic' => TRUE,
    if ($this->importer->processor
      ->expiryTime() == FEEDS_EXPIRE_NEVER) {
    else {

   * Schedule background clearing tasks.
  public function scheduleClear() {
    $job = array(
      'type' => $this->id,
      'id' => $this->feed_nid,
      'period' => 0,
      'periodic' => TRUE,

    // Remove job if batch is complete.
    if ($this
      ->progressClearing() === FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE) {
    else {

   * Import a source: execute fetching, parsing and processing stage.
   * This method only executes the current batch chunk, then returns. If you are
   * looking to import an entire source, use FeedsSource::startImport() instead.
   * @return
   *   FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE if the import process finished. A decimal between
   *   0.0 and 0.9 periodic if import is still in progress.
   * @throws
   *   Throws Exception if an error occurs when importing.
  public function import() {
    try {

      // If fetcher result is empty, we are starting a new import, log.
      if (empty($this->fetcher_result)) {
        $this->state[FEEDS_START] = time();

      // Fetch.
      if (empty($this->fetcher_result) || FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE == $this
        ->progressParsing()) {
        $this->fetcher_result = $this->importer->fetcher

        // Clean the parser's state, we are parsing an entirely new file.

      // Parse.
      $parser_result = $this->importer->parser
        ->parse($this, $this->fetcher_result);
      module_invoke_all('feeds_after_parse', $this, $parser_result);

      // Process.
        ->process($this, $parser_result);
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Do nothing.

    // Clean up.
    $result = $this
    if ($result == FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE || isset($e)) {
      $this->imported = time();
        ->log('import', 'Imported in !s s', array(
        '!s' => $this->imported - $this->state[FEEDS_START],
      ), WATCHDOG_INFO);
      module_invoke_all('feeds_after_import', $this);
      unset($this->fetcher_result, $this->state);
    if (isset($e)) {
      throw $e;
    return $result;

   * Remove all items from a feed.
   * This method only executes the current batch chunk, then returns. If you are
   * looking to delete all items of a source, use FeedsSource::startClear()
   * instead.
   * @return
   *   FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE if the clearing process finished. A decimal between
   *   0.0 and 0.9 periodic if clearing is still in progress.
   * @throws
   *   Throws Exception if an error occurs when clearing.
  public function clear() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Do nothing.

    // Clean up.
    $result = $this
    if ($result == FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE || isset($e)) {
      module_invoke_all('feeds_after_clear', $this);
    if (isset($e)) {
      throw $e;
    return $result;

   * Removes all expired items from a feed.
  public function expire() {
    try {
      $result = $this->importer->processor
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Will throw after the lock is released.
    if (isset($e)) {
      throw $e;
    return $result;

   * Report progress as float between 0 and 1. 1 = FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE.
  public function progressParsing() {
    return $this

   * Report progress as float between 0 and 1. 1 = FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE.
  public function progressImporting() {
    $fetcher = $this
    $parser = $this
    if ($fetcher->progress == FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE && $parser->progress == FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE) {

    // Fetching envelops parsing.
    // @todo: this assumes all fetchers neatly use total. May not be the case.
    $fetcher_fraction = $fetcher->total ? 1.0 / $fetcher->total : 1.0;
    $parser_progress = $parser->progress * $fetcher_fraction;
    $result = $fetcher->progress - $fetcher_fraction + $parser_progress;
    if ($result == FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE) {
      return 0.99;
    return $result;

   * Report progress on clearing.
  public function progressClearing() {
    return $this

   * Report progress on expiry.
  public function progressExpiring() {
    return $this

   * Return a state object for a given stage. Lazy instantiates new states.
   * @todo Rename getConfigFor() accordingly to config().
   * @param $stage
   * @return
   *   The FeedsState object for the given stage.
  public function state($stage) {
    if (!is_array($this->state)) {
      $this->state = array();
    if (!isset($this->state[$stage])) {
      $this->state[$stage] = new FeedsState();
    return $this->state[$stage];

   * Count items imported by this source.
  public function itemCount() {
    return $this->importer->processor

   * Save configuration.
  public function save() {

    // Alert implementers of FeedsSourceInterface to the fact that we're saving.
    foreach ($this->importer->plugin_types as $type) {
    $config = $this

    // Store the source property of the fetcher in a separate column so that we
    // can do fast lookups on it.
    $source = '';
    if (isset($config[get_class($this->importer->fetcher)]['source'])) {
      $source = $config[get_class($this->importer->fetcher)]['source'];
    $object = array(
      'id' => $this->id,
      'feed_nid' => $this->feed_nid,
      'imported' => $this->imported,
      'config' => $config,
      'source' => $source,
      'state' => isset($this->state) ? $this->state : FALSE,
      'fetcher_result' => isset($this->fetcher_result) ? $this->fetcher_result : FALSE,
    if (db_query_range("SELECT 1 FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = :id AND feed_nid = :nid", 0, 1, array(
      ':id' => $this->id,
      ':nid' => $this->feed_nid,
      ->fetchField()) {
      drupal_write_record('feeds_source', $object, array(
    else {
      drupal_write_record('feeds_source', $object);

   * Load configuration and unpack.
  public function load() {
    if ($record = db_query("SELECT imported, config, state, fetcher_result FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = :id AND feed_nid = :nid", array(
      ':id' => $this->id,
      ':nid' => $this->feed_nid,
      ->fetchObject()) {
      $this->imported = $record->imported;
      $this->config = unserialize($record->config);
      if (!empty($record->state)) {
        $this->state = unserialize($record->state);
      if (!is_array($this->state)) {
        $this->state = array();
      if (!empty($record->fetcher_result)) {
        $this->fetcher_result = unserialize($record->fetcher_result);

   * Delete configuration. Removes configuration information
   * from database, does not delete configuration itself.
  public function delete() {

    // Alert implementers of FeedsSourceInterface to the fact that we're
    // deleting.
    foreach ($this->importer->plugin_types as $type) {
      ->condition('id', $this->id)
      ->condition('feed_nid', $this->feed_nid)

    // Remove from schedule.
    $job = array(
      'type' => $this->id,
      'id' => $this->feed_nid,

   * Only return source if configuration is persistent and valid.
   * @see FeedsConfigurable::existing().
  public function existing() {

    // If there is no feed nid given, there must be no content type specified.
    // If there is a feed nid given, there must be a content type specified.
    // Ensure that importer is persistent (= defined in code or DB).
    // Ensure that source is persistent (= defined in DB).
    return $this;
    if (empty($this->feed_nid) && empty($this->importer->config['content_type']) || !empty($this->feed_nid) && !empty($this->importer->config['content_type'])) {
      return parent::existing();
    throw new FeedsNotExistingException(t('Source configuration not valid.'));

   * Returns the configuration for a specific client class.
   * @param FeedsSourceInterface $client
   *   An object that is an implementer of FeedsSourceInterface.
   * @return
   *   An array stored for $client.
  public function getConfigFor(FeedsSourceInterface $client) {
    $class = get_class($client);
    return isset($this->config[$class]) ? $this->config[$class] : $client

   * Sets the configuration for a specific client class.
   * @param FeedsSourceInterface $client
   *   An object that is an implementer of FeedsSourceInterface.
   * @param $config
   *   The configuration for $client.
   * @return
   *   An array stored for $client.
  public function setConfigFor(FeedsSourceInterface $client, $config) {
    $this->config[get_class($client)] = $config;

   * Return defaults for feed configuration.
  public function configDefaults() {

    // Collect information from plugins.
    $defaults = array();
    foreach ($this->importer->plugin_types as $type) {
      if ($this->importer->{$type}
        ->hasSourceConfig()) {
        $defaults[get_class($this->importer->{$type})] = $this->importer->{$type}
    return $defaults;

   * Override parent::configForm().
  public function configForm(&$form_state) {

    // Collect information from plugins.
    $form = array();
    foreach ($this->importer->plugin_types as $type) {
      if ($this->importer->{$type}
        ->hasSourceConfig()) {
        $class = get_class($this->importer->{$type});
        $config = isset($this->config[$class]) ? $this->config[$class] : array();
        $form[$class] = $this->importer->{$type}
        $form[$class]['#tree'] = TRUE;
    return $form;

   * Override parent::configFormValidate().
  public function configFormValidate(&$values) {
    foreach ($this->importer->plugin_types as $type) {
      $class = get_class($this->importer->{$type});
      if (isset($values[$class]) && $this->importer->{$type}
        ->hasSourceConfig()) {

   * Writes to feeds log.
  public function log($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE) {
    feeds_log($this->id, $this->feed_nid, $type, $message, $variables, $severity);

   * Background job helper. Starts a background job using Job Scheduler.
   * Execute the first batch chunk of a background job on the current page load,
   * moves the rest of the job processing to a cron powered background job.
   * Executing the first batch chunk is important, otherwise, when a user
   * submits a source for import or clearing, we will leave her without any
   * visual indicators of an ongoing job.
   * @see FeedsSource::startImport().
   * @see FeedsSource::startClear().
   * @param $method
   *   Method to execute on importer; one of 'import' or 'clear'.
   * @throws Exception $e
  protected function startBackgroundJob($method) {
    if (FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE != $this
      ->{$method}()) {
      $job = array(
        'type' => $this->id,
        'id' => $this->feed_nid,
        'period' => 0,
        'periodic' => FALSE,

   * Batch API helper. Starts a Batch API job.
   * @see FeedsSource::startImport().
   * @see FeedsSource::startClear().
   * @see feeds_batch()
   * @param $title
   *   Title to show to user when executing batch.
   * @param $method
   *   Method to execute on importer; one of 'import' or 'clear'.
  protected function startBatchAPIJob($title, $method) {
    $batch = array(
      'title' => $title,
      'operations' => array(

   * Acquires a lock for this source.
   * @throws FeedsLockException
   *   If a lock for the requested job could not be acquired.
  protected function acquireLock() {
    if (!lock()
      ->acquire("feeds_source_{$this->id}_{$this->feed_nid}", 60.0)) {
      throw new FeedsLockException(t('Cannot acquire lock for source @id / @feed_nid.', array(
        '@id' => $this->id,
        '@feed_nid' => $this->feed_nid,

   * Releases a lock for this source.
  protected function releaseLock() {



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FeedsConfigurable::$config protected property
FeedsConfigurable::$disabled protected property CTools export enabled status of this object.
FeedsConfigurable::$export_type protected property
FeedsConfigurable::$id protected property
FeedsConfigurable::$instances public static property
FeedsConfigurable::addConfig public function Similar to setConfig but adds to existing configuration.
FeedsConfigurable::configFormSubmit public function Submission handler for configForm(). 2
FeedsConfigurable::copy public function Copy a configuration. 1
FeedsConfigurable::getConfig public function Implements getConfig(). 1
FeedsConfigurable::setConfig public function Set configuration.
FeedsConfigurable::__get public function Override magic method __get(). Make sure that $this->config goes through getConfig().
FeedsConfigurable::__isset public function Override magic method __isset(). This is needed due to overriding __get().
FeedsSource::$feed_nid protected property
FeedsSource::$fetcher_result protected property
FeedsSource::$imported protected property
FeedsSource::$importer protected property
FeedsSource::$state protected property
FeedsSource::acquireLock protected function Acquires a lock for this source.
FeedsSource::clear public function Remove all items from a feed.
FeedsSource::configDefaults public function Return defaults for feed configuration. Overrides FeedsConfigurable::configDefaults
FeedsSource::configForm public function Override parent::configForm(). Overrides FeedsConfigurable::configForm
FeedsSource::configFormValidate public function Override parent::configFormValidate(). Overrides FeedsConfigurable::configFormValidate
FeedsSource::delete public function Delete configuration. Removes configuration information from database, does not delete configuration itself.
FeedsSource::existing public function Only return source if configuration is persistent and valid. Overrides FeedsConfigurable::existing
FeedsSource::expire public function Removes all expired items from a feed.
FeedsSource::getConfigFor public function Returns the configuration for a specific client class.
FeedsSource::import public function Import a source: execute fetching, parsing and processing stage.
FeedsSource::importer public function Returns the FeedsImporter object that this source is expected to be used with.
FeedsSource::instance public static function Instantiate a unique object per class/id/feed_nid. Don't use directly, use feeds_source() instead. Overrides FeedsConfigurable::instance
FeedsSource::itemCount public function Count items imported by this source.
FeedsSource::load public function Load configuration and unpack.
FeedsSource::log public function Writes to feeds log.
FeedsSource::preview public function Preview = fetch and parse a feed.
FeedsSource::progressClearing public function Report progress on clearing.
FeedsSource::progressExpiring public function Report progress on expiry.
FeedsSource::progressImporting public function Report progress as float between 0 and 1. 1 = FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE.
FeedsSource::progressParsing public function Report progress as float between 0 and 1. 1 = FEEDS_BATCH_COMPLETE.
FeedsSource::releaseLock protected function Releases a lock for this source.
FeedsSource::save public function Save configuration. Overrides FeedsConfigurable::save
FeedsSource::schedule public function Schedule all periodic tasks for this source.
FeedsSource::scheduleClear public function Schedule background clearing tasks.
FeedsSource::scheduleExpire public function Schedule background expire tasks.
FeedsSource::scheduleImport public function Schedule periodic or background import tasks.
FeedsSource::setConfigFor public function Sets the configuration for a specific client class.
FeedsSource::startBackgroundJob protected function Background job helper. Starts a background job using Job Scheduler.
FeedsSource::startBatchAPIJob protected function Batch API helper. Starts a Batch API job.
FeedsSource::startClear public function Start deleting all imported items of a source.
FeedsSource::startImport public function Start importing a source.
FeedsSource::state public function Return a state object for a given stage. Lazy instantiates new states.
FeedsSource::__construct protected function Constructor. Overrides FeedsConfigurable::__construct