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function feeds_importer in Feeds 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 feeds.module \feeds_importer()
  2. 7.2 feeds.module \feeds_importer()
  3. 7 feeds.module \feeds_importer()

Gets an importer instance.


$id: The unique id of the importer object.

Return value

A FeedsImporter object or an object of a class defined by the Drupal variable 'feeds_importer_class'. There is only one importer object per $id system-wide.

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./feeds.module, line 862
Feeds - basic API functions and hook implementations.


function feeds_importer($id) {
  return FeedsConfigurable::instance(variable_get('feeds_importer_class', '\\Drupal\\feeds\\FeedsImporter'), $id);